Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Fitness 500 (am)

4 rounds of:

12 KBS (70)
Front-rack walking lunges (100), 30 feet
12 GHD sit-ups
Front-rack walking lunges, 30 feet
Rest while partner completes a round

Notes:  This was fun, but difficult.  We set up the KB and GHD on opposite sides of the room so we could lunge-walk between movements.  Swings were heavy but certainly doable.  Lunges were gnarly, particularly after the GHD sit-ups.  Had to resort to a stutter-step on the last two rounds because the burn in the legs was so bad.  Glutes were on fire!  We used the mini-bar for the lunges.  Rounds took about 2 minutes.  Work/rest periods were just about perfect.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1) (am)

Garage (pm)

Clean & jerk 10 x 1 + 1 + 1 @ 75-80% (OTM)


Airdyne 10 minutes (85% effort)

Plank 3 x 1 minute (rest 2 minutes)

Notes:  Incredible heart rate data this morning.  Stayed below 130 for most of the piece, which has never come close to happening.

Nice work on the clean & jerks tonight.  Quite a bit of volume -- 30 reps at 165 in less than 10 minutes.  Skipped the thruster portion of the workout because my back felt a bit tight.  Planks were very hard!  Need more of them in my training for sure.  Pretty big workout planned for tomorrow.  Looking to improve on my performance this week in 14.2.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis

CrossFit Games Open Workout 14.1

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

30 double-unders
15 power snatches (75)

Score:  261

Notes:  Well, I gave this one all I had.  Unfortunately, it's a bit below where I had hoped to score based on some comparable athletes.  I simply couldn't handle the pain in the last few minutes of the workout.  I was hoping for a burst of energy in the last two minutes, but it wasn't there.  I'm very happy with my game-plan and think it was proper.  I planned on being able to dig a little deeper, but that's okay.  Had hoped to complete my 6th round of snatches and then crank some double-unders to get me to 300.  Overall, it's a huge improvement over my score of 218 back in 2011 -- almost a full round.  No time to feel sad for yourself -- the Open is a marathon; not a sprint.  It's time to put 14.1 in the rear-view mirror and prepare for a big performance next weekend.  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Row 5K (Z1)

23.10.3; 2.19.0 (22) (149)

Notes:  Nice flush of the legs and some low-level breathing.  Ready for 14.1 tomorrow.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fitness 500

For time:

30 double-unders
15 power snatches (75)
30 double-unders
15 power snatches
30 double-unders


Notes:  Good practice with Bobby to get a feel for 14.1.  Ran through my full warm-up and treated this like a full effort.  Transitioned immediately into some incline walking on the treadmill for a cool-down.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Row 7K (Z1) (am)

32.24.8; 2.18.9 (22) (153)

Fitness 500 (pm)

Power snatch (heavy single in 15-20 minutes)


Squat 5 x 3 @ 80% (OTM)


3 rounds, each for time, of:

5 power snatches (115)
10 OHS
Rest 3 minutes

.40, .40, .39

Notes:  A bit too aggressive with my pace this morning.  Spent a ton of time in the high-140s and even the low-150s.  Hopefully it wasn't too detrimental.

Accomplished some good things tonight.  First, I was able to power snatch 165 without much trouble.  Shoulder was a little "soft" on the catch, but it was otherwise clean.  Second, I handled 15 back squats at 260 in less than 5 minutes.  Legs felt good even after Monday's front squats and Tuesday's thrusters.  Third, I was able to OHS without shoulder pain.  I ran through each of the sets unbroken.  So, the work is done.  Tomorrow is a full rest day before running through a "dress rehearsal" on Friday with Bobby.  Saturday will be active recovery and then Sunday is the show.  Very exciting.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1) (am)

Fitness 500 (pm)

3 rounds, each for time, of:

50 double-unders
15 thrusters (75)
15 TRX rows
Rest 3 minutes

N/A, N/A, N/A

Full recovery

3 rounds, each for time, of:

15 box jumps (24)
15 GHD sit-ups
15 burpees (6-inch target)
Rest 3 minutes

2.10, 2.06, 2.15

Full recovery

3 rounds, each for time, of:

Row 500 meters
15 KBS (53)
50 double-unders
Rest 3 minutes

3.40, 3.37, 3.39

Notes:  Nice aerobic piece in the morning.  Legs felt strong today.  Heart rTe touched 153 toward the end, but I was hammering away pretty hard.

Great training session tonight.  Lots of volume of different movements in manageable settings.  My watch kept getting jammed on the double-under/thruster/row intervals, so I don't have recorded times.  Subbed TRX rows for pull-ups and GHD sit-ups for T2B in an effort to lay off the shoulder.  Great mind-set tonight.  Things are heading in the right direction for this weekend.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014


Front squat 6 x 1 (rest 2 minutes)

225, 235, 245, 255, 265, DNS

AMRAP G2O (185) in 2 minutes:  9

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP G2O (165) in 2 minutes:  11

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP G2O (145) in 2 minutes:  14

Row 2 x 500 meters (rest 90 seconds)

1.  1.44.1 (29)
2.  1.43.9 (29)

Notes:  And so we've arrived at Week 1 of the Open.  Hit a solid single at 265, which tied my PR.  Decided to stop there as this really isn't the time to be going for strength PRs.  Pounded away pretty good on the G2Os.  I'm particularly happy with the 14 reps at 145.  Makes me think I could handle 30 reps at 135 much easier than in the past.  Went pretty deep on the rowing intervals.  Very surprised that I was able to recover and actually go faster on the second one.  This is going to be a fun week.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis (am)

AMRAP muscle-ups in 1 minute:  5

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP HSPU in 1 minute:  16

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP double-unders in 2 minutes:  142

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP HSPU in 1 minute:  8

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP muscle-ups in 1 minute:  4

Row 3K (80% effort)

11.52.8; 1.58.5 (25)

Bank Street Beach (pm)

60-minute brisk walk with Sayde

Notes:  Shoulder was a bit tender warming up, but the muscle-ups felt okay.  Hit a nice triple to start.  HSPU were much better today.  The key seems to be rounding the lower back and allowing the hips to turnover.  This makes for a more vertical drive as opposed to banging your feet into the wall.  Goal for the row was to hold sub-2.00 throughout; however, this felt a bit tougher than 80%.  

Nice afternoon walk with Sayde.  It was a good time to reflect on all of the preparation and how it will all come to a head this time next weekend.  

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fitness 500

Squat 6 x 3 @ 80% (every 90 seconds)


AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

Row 500 meters
10 burpee over-the-box jumps
20 T2B
30 S2O (115)
40 KBS (53)
50 double-unders

Score:  18 T2B

Rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 6 minutes of:

Row 500 meters
10 burpee over-the-box jumps
20 T2B
30 S2O (115)
40 KBS (53)
50 double-unders

Score:  15 S2O

Rest 3 minutes

For time:

Row 500 meters
10 burpee over-the-box jumps
20 T2B
30 S2O (115)
40 KBS (53)
50 double-unders

Score:  14.55

Notes:  Squat percentages are higher now that my 1RM has increased.  Completing this many reps at 260 was unfathomable not long ago.  Got through this okay, but certainly used up a lot of juice.  The 4-minute AMRAP was good.  Held a 2.00 pace on the rower and transitioned immediately into BOTBJs.  Tried to crank out 20 unbroken T2Bs, but hit a wall at 15.  Had hoped to score some S2Os, but the T2B wouldn't hold up.  The 6-minute AMRAP brought to light a weakness in my T2B volume.  I had to resort to "swinging singles" pretty quickly.  Those are mega-slow and just shitty.  Left myself with less than a minute for S2Os.  I was mentally fried at this point; however, I told myself to just suck it up and complete the workout even if takes forever.  So, I did and I'm happy with myself even if my score was poor.  I slowed the pace on the rower and broke the reps into small chunks.  KBS are particularly tough with no abs, grip, or shoulders left.  Off to CrossFit Hyannis tomorrow to test the shoulder on muscle-ups.  Then, we're on to the first week of the Open!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fitness 500

3 rounds, each for time, of:

40 double-unders
12 T2B

1.45, 1.48, 2.59

Power snatch 10 x 1 + 1 @ 80% (OTM)


4 x 1 halting-snatch deadlift + 1 snatch pull @ 95-100%

165, 170, 175, 175

3 rounds of:

8 GHD hip extensions @ "4022" tempo
Rest 1 minute
10 ring dips
Rest 1 minute

Notes:  Great bounce-back from yesterday.  Finally put my shoulder to test.  It's certainly not ideal or anywhere close to 100%.  However, I can compete with it.  Reminds me of when my golf swing would be all messes up heading into a tournament and you had to fall back on your "emergency" swing just to keep the ball in play.  All sets of T2B unbroken and pretty solid.  Still getting a referral of pain to the front of the shoulder, but it wasn't bad on the T2B.  Very hesitant with the turnover on the power snatches, but it went okay.  I'm probably compromising a bit and not using proper movement patterns, but it is what it is at this point.  Hopefully the HSNDLs and pulls helped to reinforce better movement patterns.  The tempo hip extensions had me burning pretty bad.  Shoulder is fine on ring dips.  Went home and stretched, iced, took ibuprofen, and applied China Gel.  This sport is tough.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1) (am)

Garage (pm)

Front squat 1 x 3 @ 70%; 1 x 3 @ 75%; 1 x 2 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 85%; 2 x 1 @ 90%; 2 x 1 @ 95% (every 90 seconds)

185; 205; 215; 225; 245; 255

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

Squat-clean thrusters (165)

Score:  13

Notes:  Felt like Danny Nichols on the bike this morning.  Great balance of leg stamina and cardio.  Heart rate touched 153 toward the end.  

Front squats felt a bit heavy tonight.  Doing sets every 90 seconds goes by quickly when you're changing weights between sets.  So disappointed with my effort on the AMRAP.  Tried to maintain a pace of one rep every 15 seconds.  I did this up through the 13th rep and then quit.  I'm not really sure why I quit.  I still had over a minute-and-a-half left, but I was just so disappointed that I couldn't maintain my desired pace.  So tough to brace the midline on the heavy thrusters.  Front squats probably zapped my leg strength a bit -- as did the Airdyne.  However, this workout was there for the taking if I was willing to dig deep on the last 7 reps.  Just didn't have it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Row 10K (Z1)

47.00.2; 2.21.0 (22) (149)

Notes:  I'm officially declaring myself aerobically ready for the Open.  Now, as for all the other stuff . . .

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fitness 500

"CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.2"

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

9 DL (155)
12 push-ups (HR)
15 box jumps (24)

Score:  7 rounds + 9 DL & 5 push-ups (266)

Notes:  A bit neurologically fried from yesterday, but this was a decent effort.  Approached it at about 95% effort with the intention of feeling what it's like to move for such a long workout.  Beat score from 2011 by almost a full round (233).  DL were very doable.  Focused on bringing hips to the bar, not bar to the hips.  Push-ups were the biggest obstacle and I intentionally broke them 7/5 right from the outset.  Had to go to 5/4/3 by the end.  This was actually kind of nice because it provided a little rest period.  Good effort on box jumps.  Only regret was breaking rounds 5 and 6 10/5.  Only other area for improvement would be transitioning quicker between movements, particularly from box jumps to DL.  8 rounds would be possible for me, but not much beyond that.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Jerk 8 x 1 (OT2M)

140, 170, 180, 190, 205, 215, 225, 235(pr)

Squat 1 x 4 @ 70%; 1 x 3 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 85%; 1 x 1 @ 90%; 1 x 1 @ 95%; 1 x 1 @ 100%; 1 x 1 @ 103%

225; 255; 270; 285; 305; 315; 325(pr)

Then, row as many meters as possible in 8 minutes

Rest 2 minutes

7 x 10 burpees (lateral jump over barbell) (OTM)

Notes:  A+ training session, the first one in quite some time.  It's amazing the difference a day can make.  Set two big-time PRs today.  The first was a massive split jerk at 235, which was a 10# PR.  I've now PR'd my push press, push jerk, and split jerk in the last few weeks by significant amounts.  Actually thought about going for 245, but decided to save some juice for squats.  And it's a good thing I did -- the PR at 325 took every ounce of strength available.  It wasn't long ago that I couldn't get over the 315# hump.  I danced around the garage with Sayde to celebrate this one.  Scored 2,100 meters on the 8-minute row.  Averaged 1.54.2 pace and 26 strokes/minute.  Took this one at about 95% because I wanted to be able to recover for the burpees.  Sat in a pretty deep pain zone for the last 2 minutes.  Happy with my effort on the burpees.  Wanted to quit after 5 rounds, but hung in there to finish strong.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fitness 500

PT with Jeff Handler

Notes:  Jeff did some great work on my shoulder and showed me some great ways to work on it myself.  Unfortunately, the fact remains that we're now less than two weeks away from the Open and I still can't train pull-ups, T2B, muscle-ups, or snatches.  So, my plan is to avoid those movements until Wednesday.  In the meantime, I will be engaging in a full-on assault of icing, ibuprofen, China-Gel, stretching, soft-tissue work, and avoiding any offending movements. My hope is to get back into training all regular movements by Wednesday to prepare properly for the Open.  I refuse to give up on this.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Row 10K (Z1)

47.25.5; 2.22.2 (22) (145)

Notes:  Better time; lower heart rate.  Nothing more to say.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1) (am)

Fitness 500 (pm)

3 rounds, not for time, of:

8 ring rows
12 push-ups (hand-release)
12 box jumps (24)

Snatch pulls 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2

135, 155, 165, 175, 175, 175, 175

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

Row 250 meters
15 S2O (135)
60 double-unders

2 rounds + row 250 meters

Notes:  Nice and steady on the aerobic piece.  Felt long this morning.  Heart rate only got up to mid-140s, but legs were definitely working hard.  Once the Open starts, it will be important to avoid the Airdyne in the days before the actual workout.  It'll be a great recovery tool right after the workout and early in the week, but it simply deadens the legs too much.  Rowing is much better in terms of allowing your legs to feel fresh the next day.

Good training session tonight.  Finally brought a decent effort.  Added some ring rows since I can't do vertical pulling right now (muscle-ups, T2B, C2B).  Hopefully they will help my shoulder and allow me to maintain some pulling strength.  I am horrible at ring rows -- sets of 8 with my feet on the ground were very difficult.  Did snatch pulls today because I can't turn over the bar right now for an actual snatch.  Pulls are nice because you can work a little heavier.  Dug pretty deep on the metcon.  Did the first round of S2O and double-unders unbroken.  Felt extremely strong on the S2O.  Broke the second set 10/5, which leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.  I could've dug deeper and gotten all 15.  Sprinted the final 250-meter row to finish just in time.  Good combination of movements for me. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fitness 500

Front squat 8 x 3 @ 80-85% (OTM)


6 x 1 power clean + 1 clean (rest 2 minutes)

185, 195, 205, 205, 205, 205

6 x 4 power cleans (155) + 8 burpees (OTM) (f)

For time:

60 front-rack barbell step-ups (95)


Notes:  Front squats felt super heavy.  Legs must still be rocked from the weekend.  Came alive a bit and completed some nice power cleans at 205.  Shoulder feel fine turning over cleans and in the front rack position, so that's good.  Very disappointed with my performance on the OTM piece.  It was a test of mental fortitude and, once again, I was unwilling to display any.  Made it through 5 minutes.  This was totally doable, but you had to have been willing to "go there."  I know that I'm hard on myself, but it's because I know that more is possible.  The step-ups were a neat finisher.  Rx'd would've been 115# onto a 24-inch box; however, I made the right choice by scaling to 95# and a 20-inch box.  Very difficult to maintain torso posture.  And then it became difficult to control breathing once the upper back rounded.  My right leg is definitely weaker than my left leg, too.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Row 7K (Z1)

32.41.8; 2.20.1 (22) (145)

Notes:  Aerobic system continues to improve.  Did this workout back on January 13th and maintained a 2.21.8 average split with a heart rate touching 149.  Shaved almost two full seconds off my splits this morning with a noticeably lower heart rate.  Keeping the faith that it will all come together at the right time.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fitness 500

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

5 power cleans (145)
10 GHD sit-ups
15 box jumps (24)

5 rounds + 5 power cleans

Notes:  Total smoker on the quads.  I forgot how badly GHD sit-ups smoke the quads.  This was simply a matter of how much fire you were willing to live with in your legs.  I was willing to live with some, but not nearly enough to complete 6 or 7 rounds, which is where I need to be in order to reach my goals in this year's Open.  145# felt really heavy in the last few rounds.  It's interesting -- strength is there and aerobic system is there, but these metcons aren't yet coming together the way I'd hope they would.  Still about 3 weeks left before the first Open workout, though.

Overall, it was a good training week despite the shoulder injury.  4 high-quality aerobic workouts this week, plus another one if you count the walk with Sayde.  Set one PR by cleaning 205 for a 1 + 1 + 1.  This week is all about correcting my shoulder issues and trying to hit the workouts with greater intensity.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis (am)

Jerk 8 x 1 @ 55-90%

125, 145, 170, 185, 195, 205, 205, 205

Squat 1 x 5 @ 80%; 1 x 3 @ 85%; 1 x 1 @ 90%; 1 x 5 @ 85%; 1 x 3 @ 90%; 1 x 1 @ 95%

250; 270; 285; 270; 285; 300

For time:

100 WB (30)

*Mandatory rest period of 60 seconds if you break; goal is to complete all 100 reps in 4 or less sets


Bank Street Beach (pm)

60-minute brisk walk with Sayde

Notes:  Had a slight case of "Airdyne legs" from yesterday, but I was able to 
work up to some decent jerks at 205.  Weight felt a little heavy in the rack position today.  Doubt I would've been able to push press 215 like last week.  Shoulder feels fine going overhead, which is nice.  Some pretty grueling squat sets here.  The set of 5 at 270 and the triple at 285 required maximum effort.  I really like the Invictus squatting progressions.  First time ever using a 30# ball for WB.  I fell short of the goal by 10 reps.  My sets went 25/25/25/15/10.  If I could do it over again, I would've bitten off more than 25 reps on the first set or two.  Toughest part about the 30# ball is holding it in the rack position.  It's always a fight on WB to keep the ball up high on your chest, but the problem is exacerbated with the heavier ball.  Invictus always programs the heavier ball.  I would imagine that it will make the 20# ball feel very light in an Open workout.

Nice walk with Sayde this afternoon.  I'm hoping that it helped flush out the legs a bit from the heavy squatting and 100 WB.  Mary Catherine believes she's identified my shoulder injury as a pinched nerve.  I hope it heals soon so I can get back to gymnastics stuff and snatches.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1)

Notes:  Absolutely absurd aerobic power this morning.  I was hammering away, yet my heart rate stayed very controlled and touched 149 at the end.  I'm banking on this aerobic power giving me an edge this season.  Shoulder is feeling a little better today.  Will keep mobilizing the surrounding areas and avoiding any exercises that cause pain.  I have wall balls and split jerks tomorrow and am curious how those will feel.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Row 10K (Z1) (am)

47.44.4; 2.23.2 (22) (149)

Fitness 500 (pm)

3 rounds, not for time, of:

50 double-unders
10 T2B

4 x 3-position snatch @ 75-80%


5 rounds of:

30 seconds of KBS (53)
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of over-the-box jumps (24)
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of push-ups (hand-release)
Rest 30 seconds

Notes:  Caught the most amazing "runner's high" during the final 3K or so.  It was incredible.  I felt like Mikko Salo or something.  Significant negative splits this morning.  Aerobic conditioning is as good as ever right now. 

So, there's no denying it any more:  my left shoulder is injured and it's time to give in a bit.  I couldn't do dislocates with the wooden dowel without grimacing. It really hurts on T2B on the back-swing.  I tried warming up for snatches and simply couldn't turn over my left arm or stabilize in the bottom with any confidence.  I stopped at that point and just moved on.  Interestingly, KBS and push-ups felt totally fine.  I felt like a monster with the 53# bell.  Bottom line is that I need to lay off anything that bothers my shoulder.  No bar work for a while and no snatches until I can do full range of motion without pain.  This is obviously terrible timing, but there's so many more movements to be done that I can't allow this to be an excuse.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fitness 500

Front squat 8 x 3 @ 75-80% (OTM)


Clean 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 (10 seconds between reps) (rest 2 minutes)

155, 175, 185, 195, 205(pr)

For time:

Row 1K
50 C2B
30 thrusters (95)


Notes:  Thought legs would have more juice after two non-gym days; however, they felt a little dead -- likely from yesterday's Airdyne session.  Front squat range was 200 to 210, but I stayed at 200 and just focused on quality reps.  It was quite a bit of work in only 8 minutes.  Didn't have great bar speed today on cleans, but still managed a PR.  Did a 1 + 1 at 205 back in September, but I've never done a 1 + 1 + 1 this heavy.  Held a 2.00 pace on the 1K, which was very manageable.  Tried to break the C2B into 5s, but had to drop to 3s once I hit the mid-30s.  50 reps of C2B is a big number and you just have to take your medicine.  Broke the thrusters 12/8/5/5.  This is simply unacceptable and needs to be broken into no more than three sets.  I easily could've done them 14/10/6, but wasn't willing to withstand the pain.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1)

Notes:  Felt strong aerobically, but this fatigued my legs a good bit.  Z1 work doesn't usually tax my legs this much.  Need to make sure I get in two Airdynes per week or else I won't really be able to use it for "recovery" during the Open.  Heart rate touched 151 at one point while I was daydreaming about the Open.  It's funny -- I've noticed lately that my heart rate spikes when I daydream about performing Open workouts.  I'm not sure whether it's the thoughts that spike it or whether I'm actually pedaling harder when I'm lost in the daydream. Two solid training days scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday night at the gym.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Row 5K (Z1)

23.10.7; 2.19.0 (22) (147)

Notes:  Didn't sleep too well, so kept it short today with a 5K.  Good to keep things flowing after a hard weekend of training.  Pretty decent aerobic power this morning.  Hoping to get in two rows and two Airdynes this week.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis

3 rounds, not for time, of:

3 muscle-ups
Handstand hold, 45 seconds
10 T2B

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

30 double-unders
15 power snatches (75)

Score:  180 

Rest 8 minutes

"CrossFit Games Open Workout 12.1"

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

Burpees (6-inch target)

Score:  DNS

Notes:  Strung together some nice triples today on the rings by using a false-grip.  We're back in business on these.  Handstand holds were difficult combined with muscle-ups and T2B.  So, the metcon was actually a 7-minute version of "CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.1."  The actual workout is a 10-minute AMRAP. The goal for today was to beat your score from 2011 in only 7 minutes.  Back in 2011, I scored 218 reps.  I was close to that today, but not quite.  I completed 4 rounds to give me 180 reps.  Went unbroken on the first round of power snatches and then broke 8/7, 5/5/5, and 5/5/5.  Had to break the last two rounds of double-unders, too.  I had a little more to give today, but just couldn't quite take myself to "that place."  Should've gone unbroken on the second round of power snatches and broken 8/7 on the third round.  Should've hung in and gone deeper on the double-unders.  Opted to skip the burpees today.  I wasn't there mentally and was afraid that it could totally demoralize me.  Goal for today was to beat your score from 2012 after having already done a 7-minute AMRAP.  I wouldn't have had that in me today.

Good training week overall.  Set two PRs:  a 215# push press and 185# "one-touch" G2Os.  Also hit some front squat reps at 255 and a squat at 300.  Got in some quality work on both muscle-ups and T2Bs and hit some metcons with intensity.  Also one good rowing workout and one good Airdyne workout.  Goal for this week will be to continue progressing the strength work, but see if I can take the metcons a little deeper.  It's time to let it rip.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fitness 500

Push press (heavy single in 15 minutes)


Then, immediately into jerk 5 x 1 @ push press weight (215) (OTM)

Squat 1 x 6 @ 70%; 1 x 4 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 90%; 1 x 1 @ 95%; 1 x 2 @ 90%; 1 x 4 @ 85%; 1 x 6 @ 75%

220; 250; 285; 300; 285; 270; 235

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

10 C2B
10 pistols (alternating)

2 rounds + 10 C2B & 7 pistols

Notes:  Another overhead PR today.  The Invictus program absolutely hammers the overhead work and I'm seeing major improvements.  Previous PR was 205.  Jerks were monstrous this morning.  Had nice vertical dip and explosive drive under the bar.  Definitely feel as though I could blast through my current PR of 225.  Squats were pretty good today.  Still some soreness from Thursday's walking lunges.  Happy to hit a rep at 300.  The set of 4 at 270 on the way back down the ladder was actually the most grueling.  Went unbroken on all three sets of C2B, which is somewhat encouraging.  Pistols were a little sloppy, but decent all things considered.  Went unbroken on first round of HSPU, but broke 5/3/2 in the second round.  Nice little piece to practice some higher skilled movements with an elevated heart rate.  Would've liked to have gotten back to the HSPU for some reps.  All-around good training session.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Rest day.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fitness 500

2 rounds, not for time, of:

50 double-unders
10 T2B

Snatch 10 x 1 @ 60-95+% (OT2M)

105, 115, 125, 135, 145(f), 145(f), 145, 155, 165(f), 165

For time:

Row 500 meters
20 front-rack walking lunges (115)
40 C2B
20 front-rack walking lunges
80 double-unders


Notes:  Decent bounce-back session after doing an Open workout yesterday.  HSPU technique was awful tonight.  Wasn't closing hips enough and kept jamming feet into the wall before locking out.  Tight hips and hamstrings on T2B.  Hit a road-block on snatches at 145.  Kept losing the bar forward.  Hit 155 and 165 with awesome speed, which made no sense.  Enjoyed the conditioning piece very much.  Held a 2.00 pace on the row.  Picked up the bar right away and did 10 lunges across the room.  Dropped it, got some air, and did 10 back in the other direction.  Broke the 40 C2B into sets of 5.  These weren't particularly strong tonight, which is concerning.  Good training rhythm right now.  Back on the rower tomorrow morning before hopefully hitting some quality sessions this weekend.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1) (am)

CrossFit Hyannis (pm)

"CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.4"

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

60 bar-facing burpees
30 OHS (120)
10 muscle-ups

Score:  90 reps

Notes:  Felt great on the Z1 work this morning.  Aerobic system is feeling powerful right now.  Touched heart rate of 144 toward end of piece.  I think my walks with Sayde are doing more to compliment the aerobic system than anticipated.

Awesome coincidence that CrossFit Hyannis had the same workout programmed for tonight that I had scheduled.  Opted to wear my sneakers on this one.  This helped with burpees, but made the bottom position of OHS much more difficult. I stayed aerobic on the burpees and cruised through without stopping in about 5 minutes.  Bar-facing burpees, if you didn't know, require the athlete to remain perpendicular to the barbell when performing the burpee.  Then, the athlete must jump off of two feet and land on the other side of the barbell with two feet.  I'm not exactly sure why, but this is significantly more difficult than a standard burpee.  Broke the OHS 12/7/6/5, and this was the difference maker tonight.  This needed to be broken into no more than three sets.  Too much time elapses when you drop the barbell.  I finished the OHS with about 1.15 remaining, which left me with a minute to perform muscle-ups.  I failed all three attempts utilizing a non-false-grip style.  This was a great learning experience for me as I will no longer be using these this season.  I did some false-grip ones post-workout and got on top of the rings with no problem.  If this comes up again, I'll need to push harder on the OHS and crank muscle-ups with a false-grip.  95+ reps if feasible for me.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Row 10 (Z1)

47.49.0; 2.23.4 (22) (150)

Notes:  So nice to be back in the aerobic groove.  Provides such a nice rhythm and tempo to your training.  Need to do a better job of carrying this tempo into my gym sessions.  I felt good on today's row and it gave me as sense of "building."  Less than a month until the Open.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fitness 500

Front squat 5 x 1 @ 95%+ (OT2M)

250 -> 255

For time:

5 G2O (185)
10 G2O (155)
15 G2O (135)
20 G2O (115)


For time:

Row 500 meters
20 front-rack walking lunges (115)
40 C2B
20 front-rack walking lunges
80 double-unders


Notes:  Legs were a bit "dead" after yesterday's intense piece (power snatch/T2B/box jump).  I could feel it right away as I was my warm-up sets on front squats.  Ended up coming alive a bit to manage two quality singles at 255.  The G2O segment was challenging, but good training for the Open.  I've never done "one-touch" reps at 185, but I handled the five reps fairly well.  50 G2O reps is quite a lot.  My lower back tightened up a bit at the end, probably from being over-extended while going overhead.  Skipped the final segment because it was just too much.  I'm a little upset because I need to get in more C2B practice and this would've been a nice opportunity.  Biggest things keeping me up at night are muscle-ups and C2B.  Looking back, I should've done the segment with C2B instead of the G2O.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fitness 500

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

3 power snatches (115)
6 T2B
9 box jumps (24)

5 rounds + 3 power snatches

Notes:  Pretty good effort today.  Had some additional stuff programmed, but this zapped all of my energy.  I went unbroken for the most part, but it's amazing how heavy 115# can start to feel when your heart rate is jacked.  Stumbled on a few box jumps and fell backwards before completing the rep.  This was a good chance to test my boundaries a bit.  I'm still not sure what I'm capable of on these types of condition pieces, but I'm starting to learn.  

My goal at the beginning of the week was to get in all five Invictus workouts plus daily aerobic work.  I was only able to manage four due to fatigue, weather (snow day), and a head cold.  I also only did three aerobic sessions.  This is obviously disappointing when you look back on it.  That being said, I did set a few PRs (power clean 5 RM (185) and push jerk 1RM (215)) and had two high-quality conditioning workouts.  I'll see if I can step things up this week.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis

Push jerk (heavy single in 15 minutes)

215 (pr)

For time:

5 muscle-ups
20 S2O (115)
4 muscle-ups
15 S2O
3 muscle-ups
10 S2O
2 muscle-ups
5 S2O
1 muscle-up


Squat 1 x 6 @ 70%; 1 x 4 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 90%; 1 x AMRAP @ 85% (set terminates if you deviate from "1011" tempo)

220; 250; 285; 4 reps @ 270

Notes:  If you live by the saying "any day when you set a PR is a good day," then today was a good day.  Invictus seems to place a premium on going overhead, and I'm making huge improvements in this area.  This was a 10# PR and it was a very clean rep.  225# is within range.  Unfortunately, my muscle-ups are proving to be a real problem.  The non-false-grip variation is pretty when I'm feeling fresh and explosive.  But, they are proving to be inconsistent.  Did them today in conjunction with S2O and I started failing reps early on in the workout.  It may be time to revert back to the false-grip variation, which is slower, but I know I can crank out singles for a while.  Didn't have a ton of juice in the legs today for squats.  Scored 5 reps at 270 last week; however, this week's working sets were a bit heavier.  Still trying to shake this head cold, too. Looking forward to a solid session with Bobby tomorrow morning.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rest day.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fitness 500

3 rounds, not for time, of:

50 double-unders
Max L-sit hold

Snatch 6 x 1 @ 90-95% (OT2M)

160 -> 165

With a running clock:

For time:
Row 500 meters
10 power snatches (135)
20 T2B


At the 8-minute mark, for time:
Row 500 meters
20 T2B
30 shoulder-to- overhead (135)


At the 16-minute mark, for time:
Row 500 meters
25 burpees (lateral jump over erg)


Notes:  A lot going on tonight.  HSPU were crisp with a tight kip.  Starting to feel much more comfortable with these.  Only successfully completed 3 of the 6 snatch attempts, but my form was spot-on.  I was turbo-fast under the bar with great speed on the bar.  Just a little unsteady in the bottom position.  Some good stuff on the conditioning, as well.  Did the power snatches as singles, but kept a very steady pace.  Broke the T2B 17/3, but I wish I had gone for it!  Broke the T2B 10/5/5 on the second piece, but resorted to "swinging singles" on the last 5 reps.  Very happy with my effort on the S2O.  30 reps is a big number, and there was a time not long ago that I wouldn't have been able to handle 135 for reps.  The row/burpee was a shit-show.  Went for it here, but hit a wall at about rep 18.  Had me spun up for a good while after the workout.  Going to play it by ear tomorrow based on how I recover.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1)

Notes:  Very cold in the garage this morning, but this was a nice aerobic session.  Touched a 150 heart rate toward the end.  Combination of a blizzard and feeling a bit under the weather led me to skip the gym this afternoon.  It's very stressful to takes days off with the Open looming, but it's usually the right thing to do.  I'm drinking tons of fluid today along with electrolytes and Vitamin C.  Hoping to be back at full strength tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Row 5 x 1K (750 meters Z1; 250 meters 100% effort) (rest 3 minutes)

1.  4.06.7; 2.03.3 (25) (167)
2.  4.09.0; 2.04.5 (25) (168)
3.  4.10.2; 2.05.1 (25) (170)
4.  4.12.0; 2.06.0 (25) (171)
5.  4.11.1; 2.05.5 (25) (170)

Notes:  This was a very different type of "workout."  I use quotes because it was more of a neurological adaptation than a conditioning piece.  And the adaptation was evident during the workout.  I tried 100% on each of the intervals.  Yet, my pace improved dramatically each interval.  For example, I was pulling a 1.43 pace on my first interval.  I was able to pull a 1.33 pace by the final interval.  Had to slow the Z1 portion each interval to keep below a 150 heart rate.  Started out holding a 2.10 pace, but slowed to a 2.15 by the end.  This is all part of the "intensification" portion of training -- teaching the body to work at Open-speed.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fitness 500 (am)

Front squat 5 x 1 @ 90-95% (OT2M)

240 -> 250

6 x 1 clean + 1 front squat @ 90-95% (OT2M)

195 -> 205

4 x 5 power cleans (touch-&-go) (rest 2 minutes)

155, 165, 175, 185

C2B 3 x 10 (rest 2 minutes)

Bank Street Beach (pm)

60-minute brisk walk with Sayde

Notes:  Leg strength is through the roof right now.  Handled three singles at 250 without a problem.  Pulled nicely under four cleans at 205 with a front squat afterward.  This is great protocol for drilling full cleans.  Absolute beast mode on the power cleans.  Going into the workout, I thought 175 would be a stretch.  Blasting through 185 far exceeded my expectations.  Bobby and I decided it was best to skip the clean/C2B intervals and, instead, drill some C2B with some aerobic work to be performed later in the day.  The Invictus programming calls for a lot of work.  I need to be careful about skipping the conditioning work too often.  For instance, it may have been smarter to have skipped the clean complex today and kept the clean/C2B intervals in place.  Just need to monitor this and ensure that it doesn't become too much of a trend.  The Open is fast approaching and the emphasis should be on conditioning.  

Nice walk with puppy to flush out the legs and get some low-level aerobic work. Actually wore my monitor this afternoon and my heart range ranged from 114 to 134 depending upon the terrain.  It stayed in the mid-120s for the most part.  This is pretty low to even be considered a "workout."  I'd be curious to see how much wearing the weight vest changes things.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rest day.

Notes:  Decided it was best to rest today before beginning the new week of training tomorrow.  I'm learning the importance of resting a day before the Monday workout (which I sometimes do Tuesday) and Friday workout (which I do Saturday).  Otherwise, it's just too much pounding on the upper body.  I agree that the programming needs to include tons of gymnastics volume -- it's simply a matter of ensuring that there's a rest day at the prescribed time.  

Here we stand exactly six weeks out from the first Open workout.  My understanding is that the intensity is about to increase.  This should be a good week in terms of scheduling as I'll be in Barnstable all week and should be able to do my aerobic work in the mornings.  My palm is to use this week to try to handle all of the programming.  If it proves to be too much, then I'll adjust next week.  Let's go!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis (am)

3 rounds, not for time, of:

3 muscle-ups (f)
Max L-sit hold
40 double-unders

Push press (heavy single in 10 minutes)


Push jerk (heavy single in 8 minutes)


Jerk (heavy single in 6 minutes)


Squat 1 x 6 @ 65%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 1 x 2 @ 85%; 1 x AMRAP @ 85% (set terminates if you deviate from "1011" tempo)

205; 235; 270; 5 reps @ 270

Bank Street Beach (pm)

60-minute brisk walk with Mary Catherine & Sayde (20# vest)

Notes:  Very odd training session.  Muscle-ups were terrible today.  Couldn't complete a triple.  No "pop" and felt very sluggish.  Began fearing that I was overtraining.  However, as it turns out, it was simply a matter of having no pulling strength left after yesterday's C2B, heavy KBS, and deadlifts.  Legs were turbo-charged on squats today.  The set of 5 at 270 was legit -- never deviated from tempo.  This program is meant to be a ramp-up to the Open, but it's having a profound impact on my strength levels.  I feel stronger than ever squatting and going overhead.  Even felt good on the overhead work today despite going to failure last night on HSPU.  Push jerk continues to improve.  

Cold, windy day, but we had a nice walk on the beach.  I enjoyed wearing the weight vest.  It didn't really change much other than forcing me to use better posture throughout.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fitness 500

3 rounds, each for time, of:

12 C2B
12 KBS (70)

1.27, 1.54, 4.22

Deadlift 1 x 10 @ 50%; 1 x 10 @ 60%; 1 x 10 @ 65%; 1 x 8 @ 70%; 1 x 6 @ 75%

185; 220; 235; 255; 275

2 x 8 "Is," "Ys," & "Ts" (5# DBS)

Notes:  Good session tonight.  First two rounds of the conditioning work were almost perfect.  Went unbroken on the first round and then broke the HSPU 11/1 in the second round.  HSPU went to shit in the third round, however.  This was both a strength issue and a technique issue.  I was happy with my C2B, though, and very surprised by my swings tonight.  Deadlifts were better this week.  Went a little lighter and it was more appropriate.  Used a belt on only the last two sets.  Used a "clean" grip on all but the last set.  Back at it tomorrow with some muscle-ups, heavy overhead work, and squatting.  Hopefully an afternoon walk, too, with my puppy.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (Z1)

Notes:  Nice to get in some morning aerobic work.  Felt really good today.  Commuting to Martha's Vineyard and Falmouth this week has made it more difficult to squeeze in the morning session.  Things are really jiving nicely right now.  I feel ready to hit some workouts hard this weekend.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fitness 500

3 rounds, not for time, of:

40 double-unders
10 C2B

Snatch 12 x 1 @ 85% (OTM)


With a running clock:

For time:
Row 500 meters
25 burpees (lateral jump over erg)


At the 6-minute mark, complete 2 rounds, for time, of:
12 push presses (115)
12 T2B


At the 12-minute mark, complete 2 rounds, for time, of:
20 front-rack lunges (115)
10 box jumps (30)


Notes:  HSPU weren't as clean as lady week.  Was hitting the wall too soon.  C2B were okay, but not where I want them to be.  Snatches were solid again tonight.  Good speed under the bar.  Failed only one rep when I lost focus as somebody walked in my line of vision.  I'm bummed about my performance on the conditioning pieces.  Dominated the row/burpee with unbroken burpees.  Should've kept the push press/T2B as 3 rounds.  Also, shouldn't have quit and skipped the final row/burpee piece.  My calves were cramping pretty bad, though, so I called it off.  It's not a huge deal, but I had good juice tonight and wish I had gone for it a little more.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Front squat 6 x 1 @ 85-95% (OT2M)

225 -> 250

12 x 1 hang clean + 1 jerk @ 85-90% (OTM)


For time:

10 ground-to-overhead (175)
Rest 2 minutes
10 ground-to-overhead (155)
Rest 2 minutes
10 ground-to-overhead (135)

3.11, 1.30, .57

Notes:  Strong legs today on front squats.  225 felt easy, so worked up to some solid singles at 250.  The program is really an "intensification" phase right now; however, I feel as though I'm actually still building some strength.  My split jerks were poor today.  Haven't done them much lately and it showed.  Stayed at 185 to prevent things from getting sloppy.  Rest periods went by quickly.  Felt awesome on the G2Os.  3.11 may look like a long time for 10 reps, but I've never moved weight like this before.  I was able to one-touch it overhead, i.e., no reset at the shoulders.  155 was solid and 135 felt very light.  Good cardio throughout -- leg fatigue was limiting factor.  Back at Fitness 500 tomorrow night for some gymnastics, snatches, and conditioning intervals.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Row 7K (Z1)

33.06.5; 2.21.8 (22) (149)

Notes:  Random distance, but it seemed about the right amount for today.  Heard on an OPT podcast that you can expect to suffer a bit aerobically as you work your way back into the "middle zone" as the season approaches.  It's easy to get strong and aerobically powerful during the off-season.  However, once you starting hammering CrossFit-type workouts with intensity, then the strength and aerobic power will suffer a bit at the edges.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

CrossFit Hyannis (am)

Muscle-ups 6 x 2 (every 90 seconds)

2 x AMRAP in 2 minutes of:

4 power snatches (135)
20 double unders

Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs

2 rounds + 4 power snatches, 2 rounds + 2 power snatches

2 x AMRAP in 2 minutes of:

4 front squats (155)
8 T2B

Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs

2 rounds + 4 front squats & 3 T2B, 2 rounds + 4 front squats

Harwich Cranberry Bog Trail (pm)

60-minute brisk walk with Mary Catherine and Sayde

Notes:  Mojo is back on the muscle-ups.  These were super crisp and required less effort.  Emphasis was on tucking the chin, keeping the feet glued together, and "finding my toes."  Ring dip portion was also stronger than usual today.  These 2-minute AMRAPs are awesome training pieces.  Went unbroken (touch-and-go) on the first rounds of power snatches.  I've never been able to do that before.  Things really broke down, however, in the third rounds of power snatches.  I had to resort to ugly footwork to maneuver the bar overhead.  Leg strength reserves weren't quite there, but have certainly improved a lot.  T2B held up nicely on the first AMRAP, but broke down on he second one.  Felt comfortable working at 155 and used a squat clean into 3 front squats.  Belt kept popping off, though, so I think it's time for a new one!  The Invictus training program combined with some coaching from Bobby is really working well for me right now.

Beautiful sunny January day for an afternoon walk with my favorite ladies.  Very restorative and I hope it will keep my aerobic system sharp as I move back into some Z1 work on the Airdyne and rower this week.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fitness 500 (am)

Push press + push jerk (heavy as possible in 15 minutes)


Squat 1 x 6 @ 65%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 1 x 2 @ 85%; 1 x AMRAP @ 83% (set terminates if you deviate from "1011" tempo)

205; 235; 270; 6 reps @ 260

2 x AMRAP in 2 minutes of:

6 thrusters (115)
6 over-the-box jumps (24)
6 push-ups (hand-release)

Rest 4 minutes between AMRAPs

2 rounds + 3 thrusters, 2 rounds + 2 thrusters

Bank Street Beach (pm)

60-minute brisk walk with Sayde

Notes:  "A" training session this morning with Bobby.  Previous best push press was 195 -- same with push jerk.  Incredible for me to do a 1 + 1 with 205.  Had to chase the push jerk in front of me a bit, but I got it!  Squats were solid today, too.  The set of 6 at 260 was one of my better squat sets ever.  Never deviated from tempo and the sixth rep was a marathon grinder.  The overhead work and squatting obviously taxed me quite a bit heading into the AMRAPs, but I pulled it together nicely.  Should've gotten through the thrusters on the third rounds -- would've been an "A+" training session.  You wouldn't think it, but the push-ups were actually a real issue in this workout.  They are tough on the core (essentially a plank hold) and burn out the triceps.  This leaves you with only hips on the thrusters.  Really enjoyed having Bobby coach me through this one.

Beautiful restorative walk with Sayde right along the water line.  Waves were crashing right next to us.  Nice to clear my head, flush out the legs, get some low-level aerobic work, and spend some quality time with my puppy!