Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013

8th & I

Squat 10 x 2 @ 87% (rest 2 minutes between sets)


Deadlift 1, 1, 1

345, 355, 365(pr)

3 x 10 ring dips & 10 ring rows (rest 2 minutes between sets)

Notes:  Spent a lot of time opening up the hips, particularly the inner hips with "frog" pose, and it helped me achieve an awesome bottom position.  I was able to maintain a rigid torso even when dropping well below parallel.  Weight felt light on the back after working up to 305 last Sunday.  I've very excited about setting a new deadlift personal record.  It has been a long time coming.  If I'm not mistaken, I reached 355 in April of 2010 and finally broke through today -- more than three years later!  The weight yanked me a bit off the floor and caused my hips to rise a little, but that's going to happen at the margins.  Enjoyed the ring dip/ring row combination.  Made it through all three sets of the ring dips unbroken, but had to increase the rest period to two minutes to do so.  Ditched the box on the last two sets of ring rows and it made it a bit easier, but still difficult.  Also, I found a perfect place to hang rings outside at 8th & I that will allow me to do muscle-ups (both bar and ring) in the future, so that's great news.            

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

8th & I

Power snatch 3 x 3; 3 x 2; 3 x 1

115, 125, 135; 145, 155, 160(f); 165(f), 165(f), 165

Then, 2 x 10 at 95 (for speed and efficiency)

Notes:  Today was a nice reminder about the good and bad that comes with power snatching.  I felt like a horse up through the double at 155.  Things started to go awry after I missed the second rep at 160.  My footwork got sloppy on the singles and my feet went out wide on the successful attempt at 165.  This is the problem with power snatching:  once you hit a certain weight, you simply cannot pull the bar high enough to catch it with proper footwork.  You start doing funny/dangerous things with your feet to get "under" the bar.  You should, in actuality, start truly pulling under into a full snatch.  I suppose I just need to be cognizant of it and continue focusing on proper footwork.  I really like the sets of 10 at 95.  Both sets felt great and didn't jack my heart rate as much as I had expected.  Probably would have managed a slightly higher weight (~105) or slightly higher reps (12-15).   

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

8th & I (Marine Barracks)

6 x 1 power clean + 1 hang clean

135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195

Front squat 10 x 3 at 89% (rest 2 minutes between sets)


Notes:  Surprised myself a bit with how strong I felt on the barbell complex.  Power clean at 195 was very manageable and I felt strong driving out of the hole on the hang clean.  This used to be a ton of weight for me, but all of the squatting is beginning to pay dividends.  Front squats are certainly more difficult after first working cleans, but I got through today's sets okay.  Depth was good, but I'm "tucking under" a bit at the bottom.  Need to keep hammering away at the hip, ankle, and thoracic spine mobility.  Looking forward to going for a new personal record next week!