Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Row 3 x 10 minutes (rest 3 minutes between intervals)

1.  2,317 meters; 2.09.4 (22) (152)

2.  2,316 meters; 2.09.5 (22) (155)

3.  2,320 meters; 2.09.3 (22) (156)

Notes:  Just keeping the momentum going.  Used heart rate cap of 160.  This was a repeat from July 10th, but I felt much better this time around.  No low blood sugar issues today.  This was almost "active recovery" in the sense that it was not taxing at all on the legs.  Just trying to continue building volume in the lower ranges with the hope that it will allow me to have greater aerobic reserves when I pound deeper into longer CrossFit workouts.  Good 10-minute warm-up and 5-minute cool-down in Z1.  Did my wall stretching series post-workout.    

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

8th & I

Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 3 @ 70%; 1 x 2 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 90%; 1 x 1 @ 95%

185; 215; 245; 275; 290

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 1 x 4 @ 80%; 1 x 4 @ 85%

170; 200; 210; 225

5 rounds of:

6 bench presses (165)
Rest 90 seconds
12 T2B
Rest 90 seconds

Notes:  Barely got away with this one.  The single at 290 was brutal after yesterday's thrusters.  Although, the front squats felt good today.  I'll be excited to see if I can set a new front squat PR at the end of this program.  Used a close-grip on bench press.  Hate benching without a spotter to help with the lift-off, but I really wanted to do this workout.  Barely got the 12th rep on the last set of T2B.  This week will be all about building momentum into Friday where I plan to test a 10-minute snatch/burpee couplet.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

8th & I

5 rounds, for time, of:

9 burpees
6 hang power cleans (155)
3 thrusters


Notes:  This was a repeat from last November when I finished in 13.55.  Really "played" this one well today.  Kept burpees under control and focused on getting lots of air (down, breath, up, breath, jump, breath, etc.).  Point of emphasis was to transition immediately into burpees after dropping the bar from thrusters.  This was the best I've ever felt, by far, on hang power cleans.  Multiple reps of barbell movements from the hang is usually a struggled for me, but I moved through all rounds unbroken today without having to resort to any crazy-wide receiving positions.  Took the majority of my rest before performing the thrusters.  My positioning is much improved on these as I had a great rack position today and maintained an upright torso.  Went unbroken on all thrusters.  So, looking back, I went unbroken on all movements today and the speed of the movements themselves was okay.  The only way to get faster is to improve transition times.  There was a lot of standing around catching my breath today.  I probably should've moved faster into the thrusters, but 155 is a monster load on thrusters and I had to respect it.  Still need to improve what I call "global" conditioning, which is that ability to keep pounding deep into CrossFit workouts with an elevated heart rate.        

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Row 45 minutes (aerobic restoration)

9,363 meters; 2.24.1 (20) (147)

Notes:  Third quality rowing session of the week.  Really settled into this one at about the half-way point.  Second half of piece was actually faster than the first half -- a negative split.  No blood sugar issues today either.  Heart rate stayed mostly in the high-130s/low-140s, but touched 147 toward the end.  Actually felt as though I could've gone for longer today; an hour, maybe.  I like this week's schedule of an interval day, a "race" day, and an aerobic restoration day.  I plan to keep rolling with this schedule for the time being.  In the gym tomorrow morning for a hard workout:  5 rounds, for time, of:  9 burpees, 6 hang power cleans (155), and 3 thrusters.  I got hammered by the 155 load last year during this workout, but think my improved leg strength should help me plow through it this time around.           

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

8th & I

Power snatch 15 x 2 @ 80% (OTM)


Squat 2 x 5 @ 65%; 3 x 5 @ 70%

200; 215

Front squat 4 x 5 @ 60%


Notes:  Legs weren't sore today, but they were a bit dead from yesterday's rowing.  Power snatches were okay.  Need to be able to bang away at this weight, but my strength/power levels aren't quite there yet.  Nice easy day on squatting and I cycled through the reps and sets quickly.  I suppose these types of days are important over the course of the 12-week program.  The volume is light, but you're still honing the movement pattern and staying fresh.  Had considered some OTM-style skill/conditioning, but opted to quit while I was ahead.  Some aerobic restoration on the rowing machine tomorrow and then some pretty serious workouts planned for the weekend.   

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Row 1K (RPE 5)

3.58.4; 1.59.2 (23) (164)

Row 2K (RPE 7)

7.35.7; 1.53.9 (25) (178)

Row 2K (RPE 8)

7.35.0; 1.53.7 (26) (184)

Notes:  Clear the tracks!  There's a freight train heading straight for the 2014 CrossFit Games Open.  This was a high-quality training session.  Started with a 10 minute warm-up in Z1 to prime the aerobic system.  Used the 1K as an intermediary piece before jumping into the 2Ks.  I find that jumping from the Z1 work straight into my working sets is too severe of a jump.  After the 1K, I did three rounds of 10 rolling split straddles, 10 PVC pipe dislocates, and 10 twisting lunges to loosen up a bit.  First 2K was solid.  Tried to keep monitor sub-1.55 and I really settled into a groove around the 1K mark.  It was as if something kicked in and I just zoned out with a heart rate in the 170s.  Full recovery of 8 minutes between pieces -- did a few legs swings, squats, etc. to keep the legs loose.  Second 2K was much tougher than the first even though I didn't go much faster.  Dug pretty deep in the final 500 meters to keep monitor sub-1.54.  Had good wind throughout, but the lactic acid in the quads got nasty.  I think I can post some decent numbers once my leg endurance catches up to wind.  Spent some quality on the wall doing the "couch" stretch to open up the hip flexors.  Power snatches and squatting tomorrow.     

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

8th & I

? rounds of:

5 strict pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
10 ring push-ups
Rest 1 minute

5 rounds, for time, of:

30 double-unders
Farmers' walk 50 yards (60# KBs)
30 Ab-mat sit-ups
Farmers' walk 50 yards 


Notes:  I read an article today about rotator cuff health for CrossFitters and realized that I haven't been incorporating enough strict pull-ups, horizontal pulling, and shoulder stability work.  I used a "?" in my programming and went as far as I could before I couldn't complete the reps unbroken.  And, form had to be perfect (legs straight with toes pointed on strict pull-ups -- no pulling the knees up and reaching with the chin).  I completed 4 rounds and then 3 strict pull-ups and 5 ring push-ups.  Used a box under my feet on ring push-ups so I would be level.  The next segment was "for time," but not really.  I used farmers' walks to focus on posture and grip.  I walk at a very moderate pace with perfect mechanics -- shoulder blades pulled back and down, head neutral, and proper pelvic tilt.  Some people do farmers' walks more as moving from point A to point B as fast as possible with weights in their hands.  Don't have specific data, but heart rate stayed moderate throughout the workout and I'd be shocked if it ever approached 165.  Transitioned quickly between exercises but didn't rush (a "gentle tenacity?").  Gym has pairs of 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s for kettlebells, so I can go a little heavier next time, if needed.  Rowing tomorrow and then back to some heavier barbell work on Thursday.               

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Row 4-6 x 5 minutes (rest 3 minutes between intervals)

1.  1,257 meters; 1.59.3 (24) (162)

2.  1,250 meters; 2.00.0 (24) (167)

3.  1,252 meters; 1.59.8 (24) (170)

4.  1,249 meters; 2.00.0 (24) (170)

Notes:  Went with the minimum number of intervals due to lack of mental energy.  My mind was all over the place during this workout (jobs, houses, money, etc.).  Continued trend of having to feel like I'm working hard to maintain paces, yet my heart rate isn't going that high.  This was a repeat from July 8th.  Heart rate stayed lower this time around while holding nearly identical pace.  Really solid 10-minute warm-up and 5-minute cool-down in Z1.  Good stretching post-workout.  Nice and steady this week -- nothing crazy.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

8th & I

4 rounds of:

5 presses (115, 120, 120, 120)
Rest 90 seconds
10 T2B
Rest 90 seconds

Squat 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%; 1 x 5 @ 80%

200; 215; 230; 245

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 3 x 5 @ 65%

160; 170

Notes:  Moderate session.  Dealing with lots of personal stress, so trying to keep workouts crisp and not too difficult mentally.  It's a true de-load week on the Hatch Squat Cycle, so that helps.  Moved through the presses and T2B nicely.  Stayed at 120 to keep reps crisp, although they certainly weren't easy.  T2B were clean today and felt easy with sneakers on as opposed to heavier weightlifting shoes.  Kept rest to a minimum on the squatting today and focused on form.  This is Week 8 of the 12-week cycle and is very light.  We'll ramp up again with an opportunity for a new PR in Week 11.  I have 335 in mind.  Back on the rower tomorrow.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Barnstable Youth Soccer Field


5 rounds, for time, of:

Bear crawl 100 feet
Broad jump 100 feet (perform 3 burpees after every 5 broad jumps)


Notes:  Zero energy heading into this workout.  My mind was all over the place. It's tough to do CrossFit workouts without being mentally engaged.  Actually felt much better once it was over and was happy that I had done it.  Went unbroken on the bear crawls.  They are ugly, but they've actually improved a lot with my looser hips and hamstrings.  Mary Catherine finished in 9.38.  In order to catch her, I would've had to fight through the lactic acid build-up in my quads.  I wasn't willing to do so on this day.  This is a really neat workout that can be done anywhere and requires no equipment.  Very easy to standardize.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Airdyne 45 minutes (aerobic restoration)

Notes:  This was one of the most enjoyable workouts I've had in quite some time.  It was a gorgeous day on Cape Cod, so we moved the Airdyne out of the basement and onto the back porch.  I felt amazing being outdoors with the sun on my face and body.  I held steady between 55-58 RPMs (monitor was a bit all over the place because of the wind outside) and actually allowed my heart rate to touch 155 toward the end of the piece.  Spent a good deal of the piece in the 145+ range.  While this is probably a little high for "aerobic restoration," I was okay with it because it felt so relaxed and was so enjoyable.  There was no grinding at all.  I wasn't expecting to get in a workout today, so it was a total bonus.      

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

8th & I

Clean & jerk 15 x 3 @ 70% (OTM)


Squat 1 x 4 @ 70%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 1 x 4 @ 80%; 1 x 4 @ 85%

215; 230; 245; 260

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 2 x 5 @ 70%

160; 170; 185

20 minutes (alternating OTM):  12 wall ball shots & 6 T2B

Notes:  Good to revisit the OTM-style clean & jerks -- Bobby and I followed the same format back in July.  My conditioning felt much better this time around.  This is a fantastic format that allows a substantial volume of barbell work with a major breathing component.  You shut your brain off and just crank away whenever the top of the minute rolls around -- just keep hammering.  Legs were totally zapped for squatting today.  I've been pushing the legs pretty hard between rowing, goblet squats, and then the clean & jerks.  I had to tap deep into my energy reserves to handle the set of 4 at 260.  Should have followed my gut and used a 14/7 format on the OTM-style work.  While I got in a good volume of work (120 wall ball shots and 60 T2B), I didn't elicit the conditioning response I desired.  I'm very strong on wall ball shots and 12 reps doesn't elevate my heart rate much.  This is a good combination, though, and I'll revisit it down the road.     

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Row 5K (am)

19.55.1; 1.59.5 (23) (182)

The Amelia Gym (pm)

? minutes (alternating OTM):  10 KB swings & 10 goblet squats

Notes:  Goal for the 5K was to maintain an RPE of 8 and just try to be aware of what I was feeling.  For me, an RPE of 8 is a very intense row, but you don't empty the tank or sprint to the finish.  You simply maintain an intense pace throughout.  I'm still struggling a bit with the neurological adaptation and it feels like I'm having to work harder to maintain my paces.  That being said, my heart rate is staying fairly moderate.  It touched 170 around the 2K mark and then continued a slow climb up to 182 at the finish.  My conditioning felt very strong; however, my rowing-specific leg endurance is lagging behind.  Actually rowed the final 1K the fastest.

Used my 70-pound bell for the OTM-style work tonight.  I had hoped to go for 20 minutes, but my lower back could only handle 14.  I had envisioned that KB swings would tax the posterior chain and that goblet squats would tax the anterior chain; however, as it turned out, goblet squats were absolutely brutal on the lower back.  They shouldn't be -- in theory, if you keep your core engage and maintain a perfectly upright torso, then you'd be fine.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  I started getting pulled out of position and this combination punished me.  Some good barbell work and squatting tomorrow before heading to Cape Cod on Thursday morning.       

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

8th & I (am)

Squat 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 85%; 1 x 3 @ 90%; 1 x 1 @ 100%

215; 245; 260; 275; 305; 315

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 1 x 4 @ 80%; 1 x 4 @ 85%

170; 200; 210; 225

5 rounds of:

3 deadlifts (315)
21 double-unders

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Washington-Lee High School Track (pm)

70 burpees  (10 OTM for 7 minutes)

Notes:  Well, it was a pretty special day for me.  I've been trying to get my squat up to 315 for many years now, but it has never happened until today.  Today is the unofficial half-way point of the Hatch cycle, and the last working set was a single at 100%.  I've used 305 as my 1 RM for this cycle because that's the most I've ever squatted.  I told myself that I could go for a new 1 RM today if I felt good at 305.  I felt very strong on 305, so I took a shot at 315 and handled it nicely.  My legs felt incredible today.  I could tell on the warm-up row that they had a lot of juice in them.  I also front squatted 225 for a set of 4, and that felt very manageable.  I was feeling very good after squatting so I used 315 for the deadlifts.  I've never used anything that heavy in a "workout."  I handled that weight well for all five rounds and approached them as singles as opposed to touch-and-go style.  Did a better job of turning the hips over in the HSPUs; however, after seeing it on video, I know that I can still get the hips even more involved.  I failed the 7th rep on the final set, but felt good otherwise.  

Had programmed 100 burpees (10 OTM for 10 minutes), but decided to pull the plug after 7 minutes.  I could've finished it, but I didn't want to absolutely wreck myself.  I think you need to be careful with the whole "listen to your body" thing, though.  If you don't watch it, then pretty soon you're cutting all of your workouts short because you don't want to feel too much pain.  I feel as though I've now given myself an "out" whenever the going gets tough.  I think I need to decide beforehand we're going for it or not.  I don't like leaving the option in mind that I can stop the workout if it feels too hard.       

Saturday, September 14, 2013

8th & I

Snatch 10 x 1 (every 2 minutes for 20 minutes)

95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165(f), 165, 175(f)

Muscle-ups (1 attempt every 30 seconds for as long as possible)


Notes:  Not much volume today.  Just wanted to work some snatches and muscle-ups and not tax myself too much.  Snatch technique was great up until 155.  Did a good job of maintaining positioning and getting the knees back to engage the hamstrings.  I'm having trouble keeping positioning above that weight because the weight is pulling me forward off the floor.  I'm pretty sure this has a lot to do with mobility in my set-up position.  Bottom position also continue to be a problem as I just can't stay upright enough in the overhead squat position.  It's getting better, though.  Thought I'd be able to go much longer on the muscle-ups, but the aggressiveness simply wasn't there today.    

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Row 45 minutes (aerobic restoration)

9,399 meters; 2.23.6 (20) (150)

Notes:  All aboard!  The Aerobic Freight Train is back on the tracks after a tough week.  Felt like I was on the rowing machine for two hours today.  Heart rate stayed below 130 for the first 15 minutes but then began to creep up a bit.  Definitely spent the last 15 minutes in the mid-to-high 140s.  Struggled with low blood sugar earlier on than normal and even considered stopping after 30 minutes.  I'm glad I kept going because my body kind of worked its way through the problem.  This was probably a bit more of mental grind than you would like to see for an aerobic restoration workout.  Ideally, you could zone out a bit and relax.  Unfortunately, whenever I lose focus on the rowing machine my pace drops significantly.  Looking to snatch some heavier weights tomorrow.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

8th & I

Squat 1 x 4 @ 75%; 3 x 4 @ 80%

230; 245

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 2 x 5 @ 70%

160; 170; 185

20 minutes (alternating OTM):  10 push-ups & 15 box jumps (24)

Notes:  Felt like a vegetable most of the day following yesterday's brutal workout.  It goes to show how quickly too hard of a workout can derail your training progress if you're not careful.  I was able to regroup a bit in the afternoon and get my work in.  Very moderate day in terms of the weight and reps, which was welcomed.  My legs were shot from yesterday's thrusters.  Also, my surgically reconstructed knee has been giving me some trouble.  It started flaring up after beach volleyball, and has continued to stay swollen.  No pain; just swelling.  I'm going to be aggressive with the ice massage and ibuprofen to see if I can nip it in the bud.  Good to be back on the OTM work.  This was the type of thing I did a lot of last year that worked really well for me.  Pair up two basic CrossFit movements and find the rep scheme that keeps your heart rate elevated throughout the course of the 20 minutes but never crossing over pain threshold.  This type of training helps you build volume and comfort with the basic movements and also helps with overall conditioning.  I'm very much looking forward to a recovery row tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

8th & I

3 rounds, each for time, of:

18 thrusters (100)
18 pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

1.  1.21
2.  1.25
3.  3.22

Notes:  Well, as can be seen, the Aerobic Freight Train made an unexpected stop at Beatdownsville during the third round.  This workout absolutely ROCKED me!  I had a feeling that this workout would be harder than it looked, but never anticipated that I'd be sitting in the corner of the gym for 30 minutes post-workout trying to recover.  I stormed through the first round unbroken.  I'm very happy with that pace.  I didn't feel that bad during the first two-minute rest period either.  I felt like a boxer sitting in the corner between rounds.  I stormed through the second round unbroken; however, I had to expend a ton of energy to do so.  I barely locked out my 18th thruster and barely got my chin over the bar on the 18th pull-up.  My buddy Kris was at the gym and said that I did not look good during the second two-minute rest period.  The third round was an absolute shit-show.  I did 10 thrusters and then had to drop the bar.  I knew I was in trouble at that point and needed to back off a bit or else I would get sick.  My thrusters went 10/4/4 and my pull-ups went 5/4/3/3/3.  It's hard to describe what happened to me in that third round.  It wasn't really a specific muscle group that failed on me.  Sure, my legs, shoulders, triceps, and grip were getting fatigued.  But, what really stopped me was this tidal wave of fatigue that hit me.  Very similar to the feeling I had on Open Workout 13.5 when I just couldn't do thrusters anymore.  On the plus side, I was very happy with how easy the thrusters felt in terms of leg strength and pressing.  Now, I need to figure out what I can do to ensure that I can keep up the same kind of pace in the third round that I maintained in the first two rounds.  Any CrossFitter can look good for a round or two, but the good CrossFitters perform well in what I call the "championship rounds."      

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Row 8 x 500 meters (rest 2 minutes between intervals)

1.  1.54.6 (27) (155)
2.  1.54.7 (26) (158)
3.  1.55.3 (26) (161)
4.  1.54.9 (26) (163)
5.  1.54.3 (27) (166)
6.  1.54.2 (27) (168)
7.  1.53.7 (26) (169)
8.  1.53.8 (26) (170)

Notes:  Another totally odd session on the rowing machine.  Paul took the reins off today and encouraged me to hammer away at these intervals without regard to heart rate.  Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get up to speed.  It felt like I was cranking like crazy on the chain, but I couldn't get the monitor to budge much lower than 1.55.  I wasn't really tired after each interval -- my heart rate would drop to below 110 pretty quickly.  For reference, I did this same workout back in March and maintained an average pace of 1.48.5 over the course of the workout, a significant difference from today.  I've been focusing on a different energy system of late, so perhaps that's the difference.  I felt like a golf cart with the pedal all the way down but not actually moving that fast.  If anything, I figured that my increased leg strength/power would have produced monster pulls today, but it just wasn't the case.  The quest continues . . .  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

8th & I

Squat 1 x 6 @ 70%; 1 x 6 @ 80%; 1 x 3 @ 90%; 1 x 2 @ 95%

215; 245; 275; 290

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 2 x 4 @ 80%

170; 200; 210

? rounds of:

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Notes:  290 was an absolute bear for a double.  The first rep was pretty smooth, but the second rep was a battle.  It always looks easier on video.  But, when you have the weight on your back, it feels like the rep takes much longer.  I'll have an opportunity to go for a new 1 RM next Sunday if I'm feeling up to it.  To be honest, I'm not that concerned with it.  I'm more concerned with how all this squatting will translate over to the my thruster/pull-up workout that I have planned for this week.  The purpose behind all of this squatting is to develop the necessary leg strength/power to blast through things like thrusters, cleans, snatches, and deadlifts at moderate weight.  It does me no good to have a bigger 1 RM but still get smoked by the moderate weight barbell movements.  Really wanted to do some type of walking lunges/carries today so I paired overhead walking lunges with burpees.  It turned out to be a solid combination.  And, I used the "?" again in my programming with the intention of doing as many rounds as my legs could withstand on the lunges.  I barely made it to the finish line on the fourth set, so I decided to stop there.  The voice inside of me was telling me that I was a pansy for not doing a fifth round, but I figured it was best to stop short of failure today.  I used a 60-pound "curl" bar for the lunges, which turned out to be perfect.  Lastly, burpees were really crisp today -- my mobility has improved a lot and I could feel that it was much easier to get my feet up to my hands.  Rowing tomorrow.         

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

8th & I

Bar muscle-ups 5 x 3 (every 90 seconds)

? minutes (alternating OTM):  8 push presses (135) & 8 T2B

Notes:  Kept things moderate today after quite a bit of volume yesterday.  My bar muscle-ups didn't have the explosiveness that they sometimes have, but they got better on the last few sets (video is of the first two sets).  When I remember to keep my legs as straight as possible with my feet glued together (and glutes engaged), I get a much more explosive kip.  I like bar muscle-ups because they help reinforce the proper mechanics for a non-false grip muscle-up.  I ended up going for 14 minutes on the OTM-style work.  I used a "?" in my programming because I didn't have a set number of minutes.  Instead, I decided to let the T2B dictate how long I would go.  So long as the T2B were unbroken, I'd continue working.  I could feel the T2B starting to break down on the 14th minute, so I opted to call it quits there instead of actually failing.  Push presses were crazy strong today -- 135 isn't usually that light for me, but I banged out 56 solid reps today.  Big squatting day tomorrow.        

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

8th & I (am)

For time:

3 rounds of:  9 power snatches (95) & 9 wall ball shots
3 rounds of:  6 power snatches (115) & 9 wall ball shots
3 rounds of:  3 power snatches (135) & 9 wall ball shots


Row 40 minutes (aerobic restoration) (pm)

8,158 meters; 2.27.0 (20) (145)

Notes:  I'm struggling to articulate my thoughts about today's workout.  On one hand, it was good because I felt powerful on the snatches, kept a fairly steady pace, and went unbroken on all sets of wall ball shots.  On the other hand, it was bad because I was a full 4 minutes slower today than I was back in February when I finished in 13.26.  I maintained a conservative pace from the outset because I didn't want to flame-out.  I haven't been doing workouts of this nature -- more traditional CrossFit-type workouts.  I think it was just one of those things where, had I maintained a slightly faster pace, I could have shaved off quite a bit of time.  I simply don't have the exposure right now to this type of workout and wasn't sure how fast I could go.  So, it's understandable that I'm a bit out of practice with this type of workout.  However, it's still a bit frustrating that I've been training so hard and am way off my time on a workout from February.  I gave the snatches too much respect, particularly at 135, and should have just kept banging.  

Today's row was a bit odd.  I came out of the gates holding a 2.24 split, but my heart rate quickly elevated up into the low-140's.  This never happens.  When I row at that pace, my heart rate usually stays in the 120's and slowly, slowly creeps upward.  I quickly had to drop it down to a 2.28 split in order to stay below my heart rate cap.  I basically spent the entire 40 minutes in the 138-143 range.  I'm wondering if my working out in the morning may have something to do with it.  Could be a sign of overtraining/under-recovering.  Tomorrow could end up being a much lighter gymnastics-type day if I'm feeling beat up.                

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

8th & I

5 x 3 power cleans (185) + AMRAP HSPUs (OT3M)

15 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 37 total HSPUs

Squat 1 x 6 @ 65%; 1 x 6 @ 75%; 2 x 6 @ 80%

200; 230; 245

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 2 x 5 @ 70%

160; 170; 185

Notes:  Power cleans and HSPUs are a great combination, and this format keeps things moving along at a nice clip.  Horsed around the power cleans at 185.  I liked this camera angle because it shows that I'm doing a better job of getting some posterior chain involvement.  Still working on pulling the knees back at the start to engage the hamstrings.  Nice quiet feet today.  Cranked out a set of 15 HSPUs on the first round, which is a personal best.  My kip is slightly better, but I'm still not getting the hips involved enough.  I'm basically just bending my knees and then extending them.  There needs to be some hip flexion in order for there to be a truly powerful kip.  The drop-off was pretty severe on my reps.  Need to keep working the pressing strength and endurance.  I'll revisit this workout in a few months to see if I can bang out more total reps.  It was just a "get the work in" day on squatting.  Thursdays are a bit easier than Sundays on this program, but they're still not easy by any means.  I've got a double on the menu at 290 this Sunday, which should be quite a treat.  Still up in the air about whether I'm going to hit the gym tomorrow for my snatch/wall ball workout.  Depending upon how I feel in the morning, I may just row tomorrow and then hit the workout on Saturday.       

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Row 5 x 4 minutes (actively recover 2 minutes between intervals)

1.  962 meters; 2.04.7 (23) (151)
2.  961 meters; 2.04.8 (23) (157)
3.  963 meters; 2.04.6 (23) (161)
4.  962 meters; 2.04.7 (23) (165)
5.  964 meters; 2.04.4 (23) (165)

Notes:  Didn't have a ton of juice today, but got my work in.  Good 10-minute warm-up in Z1 to prime the aerobic system.  Want to progress to the point where I can hold sub-2.00 paces without crossing the heart rate cap (which was 165 for this workout).  Mentally, I don't like looking at the monitor and seeing my pace above 2.00.  Unfortunately, my conditioning just isn't quite there yet.  Good news is that I didn't experience any low blood sugar today.  Mary Catherine helped me with some good hip stretching post-workout which should pay dividends during tomorrow's squatting session.  Trying to build momentum heading into Friday's snatch/wall ball metcon.        

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Muscle-ups on a Beautiful Afternoon at 8th & I!

8th & I

Muscle-ups 6 x 2 (every 90 seconds)

Jerk (heavy single in 20 minutes)


15 minutes (rotating OTM):  15 push-ups, 50 double-unders, & 10 hollow rocks 

Notes:  This was a nice, clean session.  My body is a little banged up from quite a bit of activity over the past few days, so I didn't want to push it too hard today.  I was very excited to drill my new style of muscle-ups (no false-grip).  I was a little bummed at first that they weren't crisper; however, I quickly realized that this was really my first time ever doing them, and going 6 for 6 on doubles is a great starting point.  As can be seen from the video, I'll able to get a much bigger kip now.  I'm "breaking" a bit with my lower half instead of keeping rigid legs with the toes pointed.  Also, I'm a little "loopy" with my turnover instead of snapping forward once the rings meet my hips.  Ben Brown was telling me this weekend that, once you're at the top, you need to allow your legs to swing forward and then fall backwards.  This spits you out back into the next kip.  I'll keep working on these, as well as bar muscle-ups.  Only took about 12 minutes on the split jerk today.  My arms were a little hot from all of the pulling yesterday, so I hit a clean rep at 205 and called it quits.  Went unbroken on the first 4 rounds of push-ups.  Need to lengthen my jump rope slightly, as it kept clipping my shoes today.  Back on the rowing machine tomorrow.       

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

8th & I

4 rounds, each for time, of:

15 C2B
20 over-the-box jumps (24)
25 KB swings (55)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

1.  2.27
2.  3.39
3.  3.58
4.  4.13

Notes:  This workout provided a nice opportunity to build C2B volume while also getting some interval-style conditioning.  It turned out to be tougher than expected -- in fact, most of the Invictus-inspired workouts are turning out to be tougher than expected.  I had already scaled the swings down from 70 to 55, and probably should've dropped the number of reps, too.  I went unbroken through the first round, but then C2B were broken 8/7, 5/5/5, and 5/4/3/3.  I completely underestimated the over-the-box jumps.  Those do a number on your legs are really jack your heart rate.  And, of course, grip on the swings started to fail and I had to break those.  As can be seen from the video of the fourth round, I simply didn't have the stamina deep into this workout to keep moving at a steady pace.  The 2-minute rest period was not really enough to fully recover.  In any case, it's good to work at the margins every once in a while to see where things are breaking down.  I learned today that my C2B volume simply isn't where it needs to be for me to be competitive in the Open.  
Played some awesome games of beach volleyball this afternoon.  I can't believe how fun it is, particularly when the level of play is high and the rallies are good.  Back in the gym tomorrow evening for some upper body strength work and moderate conditioning.     

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

8th & I

Squat 1 x 8 @ 65%; 1 x 6 @ 75%; 1 x 4 @ 85%; 1 x 4 @ 90%

200; 230; 260; 275

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 4 @ 80%; 1 x 3 @ 85%; 1 x 3 @ 90%

185; 210; 225; 240

Notes:  Not much to say about today.  The videos speak for themselves.  One item worthy of noting is that my hamstrings were quite sore today.  However, yesterday was only muscle-ups, cleans, and weighted chin-ups.  I'm thinking that I'm finally starting to get my hamstrings involved on my cleans and must have done a decent job of that yesterday.  Nice relaxing afternoon floating down the lazy river by Harper's Ferry.  Back in the gym tomorrow morning for heavy overhead squats and metcon intervals.