Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

8th & I

4:30-minute tempo "Grace" (1 clean & jerk every 9 seconds)

Muscle-ups 6 x 2 (every 90 seconds)

Notes:  Final training session ever at 8th & I.  What a home it's been for the last year or so.  It was free, open 24/7, and met most of my equipment needs.  I'll always be greatful to the Marines for allowing me to use their facility.  Tempo "Grace" started burning early.  Last time I did this workout, I noted that I felt powerful through the first 12-14 reps.  That was not the case this time around.  I remember completing the 10th rep and wondering what I had gotten myself into.  My breathing is actually quite good.  It's the burn in the quads that is killer on this workout.  I've been working some heavier reps, but need to remember to incorporate more faster-paced moderately weighted reps.  Figured it was good to work muscle-ups today since I'm not sure where I'll be able to practice them on the Cape.  Yoga and aerobic restoration work on the rower tomorrow before taking a few days off to move.  Huge life changes forthcoming.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

8th & I

Clean 4 x 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (10 seconds between reps)

155, 165, 175, 185

4 rounds of:

10 Bulgarian split squats/leg (20# DB in goblet position)
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
10 C2B
Rest 1 minute
10 GHD sit-ups
Rest 1 minute

Notes:  The last set of cleans at 185 was pretty tough.  May have had the juice to handle 195, but I had already used up my four sets.  Threw in some BGSS for the first time in a while.  Performed them with my rear foot elevated on a bench.  Total burner on the quads/hip flexors.  Blasted through the HSPUs.  Kip is getting much better and I'm really using my hips to drive my body upward.  Nice fluid reps on C2B.  Trying to add more weighted and strict pull-ups to routine instead of kipping, but today was good.  GHD sit-ups are good and I'm hoping they translate some to T2B.  Calling an audible on tomorrow's "Grace" test.  Simply don't have the mental capacity for another test this week with this weekend's impending move.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

8th & I

5 x 1 snatch balance + 1 OHS

115, 135, 155, 165, 175

5 x 3-position snatch (high-hang; 2 inches above knee; 2 inches below knee)

115, 125, 135, 145(f), 145

Notes:  Getting some good work in lately on snatch technique.  Mobility in the bottom position continue to be the biggest issue.  My combination of tight ankles and shoulders is brutal.  Haven't done OHS in a while, and I had to really battle to keep the bar from coming forward.  Shoulders wanted to internally rotate.  Pretty decent effort on the position work.  The long hang is definitely the toughest, but I can feel how this could help your snatching overall.  Looking for a quality session tomorrow before really opening things up on Thursday when I plan to test "Grace." 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Row 2K (time trial)

7.19.1(pr); 1.49.7 (26)

Notes:  Alright!  Met my goal of going sub-7.20.  Ended up going a little faster than expected and still had a good amount of juice at the end.  Oddly, once it was over, I basically took a few breaths and then stood up and grabbed some water.  I felt fine just a few seconds after it was over.  Splits went 1.50.4, 1.50.7, 1.50.5, and 1.47.5.  I could really feel the benefit of all the aerobic work.  Will continue a steady diet of aerobic-based intervals, aerobic restoration work, and sport-specific pieces (i.e., 2Ks & 5Ks at reduced RPEs).  Plus, I can't wait to incorporate some Airdyne.  Warmed up with 5 minutes in Z1, a 1K at ~1.58 pace, and two 30-second sprints holding the monitor sub-1.45.  This had me primed aerobically and neurologically.  I feel as though my body has a 7.10 in it right now.  With continued hard work, I believe that I can attain my lifetime goal of going sub-7 minutes.  If so, I believe that I'll have the necessary work capacity to attain my goals in this year's Open.            

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

8th & I

Seated box jumps 5 x 3

Front squat 1 RM

265 (2 failed attempt @ 275)

Notes:  Dang.  265 went up so well, but 275 just wouldn't budge.  Not a great start to the week as I was hoping for a big PR.  Very frustrating.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

8th & I

3 rounds, not for time, of:

3-5 weighted pull-ups (20)
8-10 dips
15 GHD sit-ups
50 double-unders

Snatch 10 x 1 (OT2M)

115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165(f), 165(f), 165, 170, 175(f)

Notes:  Didn't feel great on the gymnastics volume work today.  Struggled with the weighted pull-ups and dips, and the GHD sit-ups and double-unders really elevated my heart rate.  Enjoyed the snatch work.  Things were progressing so well that I thought I might get a shot at a PR attempt.  Hit a bit of a road-block at 165, but then regrouped and hit a really nice rep at 170.  I got under 175, too, but just lost it at the last minute.  I can't seem to get my videos to upload to Youtube right now.  Cooled down with 5 minutes of incline treadmill walking.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Row 5K

19.50.7; 1.59.0 (24) (181)

Notes:  It has taken a while, but I'm finally starting to feel like an actual Aerobic Freight Train.  Very positive heart rate data tonight.  Didn't hit 160 until the 1K mark; 170 until the 2K mark; 175 until the 3K mark; and 180 until past the 4K mark.  Things leveled off at that point.  This is in contrast to October 9th when I hit 180 just past the 2K mark and then had to battle the mid-180s for the entire second half of the piece.  Negative splits tonight, too.  Very good effort for a Friday night.  Definitely feel ready to test my 2K on Monday.  I've found a very good weekly format for my rowing:  one interval day, one aerobic restoration day, and one day where I practice actual race/test distance.  I can manipulate the interval day based on whether I want to work speed or aerobic.  And, I can skip the day where I practice actual race/test distance if I don't have enough energy.       

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

225 over-head!  Finally!

8th & I

Jerk (20 minutes to build to a heavy single)


Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 2 x 5 @ 75%

185; 215; 230

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%

160; 185; 200

6 rounds, OT2M, of:

6 push presses (115)
8 pull-ups
10 KB swings (70)

Notes:  Lifetime accomplishment with the 225 jerk.  Slightly soft with the left elbow, but I'm thrilled to have cleared the mental barrier of driving under 225.  Hoping this begins a wave of PRs to come in the next week as I plan to test my front squat, "Grace," and a 2K row.  Front squat felt good today and I think I'll be able to surpass my previous 1 RM of 265 on Sunday.  The metcon was very difficult toward the end, particularly on the grip.  Can you believe that Invictus programmed it as an OTM?  I scaled down to OT2M and I still barely finished the final round within the 2-minute window.  Push presses were solid, but grip became a major issue on the last 2 rounds of pull-ups and the last 4 rounds of swings.  Back on the rower tomorrow for either a 5K or a few reduced-RPE 2Ks -- we'll see how I'm feeling.          

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Row 45 minutes (aerobic restoration)

9,413 meters; 2.23.4 (20) (148)

Notes:  Felt very powerful aerobically tonight.  Heart rate wouldn't seem to budge.  Stayed below 130 until ~20 minute into the pieces and then stayed below 140 for almost the entire piece.  This is very different from last Friday when I spent most of the row in the high-140s.  Negative splits throughout.  Wasn't in a great mental state like I was last Friday, so this row felt a bit longer.  Sometimes it feels like time is standing still on the monitor.  Slight low blood sugar toward the end, but nothing terrible.  I plan to test a 2K next week to give myself a baseline for the rest of the season.       

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

8th & I

Snatch 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 (10 seconds between reps)

115, 125, 135, 145(f), 145

Snatch-grip RDLs 5 x 6 @ 115

Complete 5 2-minute AMRAPs of:

5 T2B
5 ring dips

Rest 1 minute between AMRAPs

1.  1 round + 3 ring dips
2.  1 round + 1 HSPU
3.  0 rounds + 3 ring dips
4.  0 rounds + 1 ring dip
5.  0 rounds + 5 T2B

Notes:  Better starting position today on snatches.  Good job getting knees back off the floor.  Still soft in the bottom position.  Need to "punch up" and fight to keep the torso vertical.  SGRDLs were gnarly on the posterior chain.  I may not be able to move tomorrow.  Did a good job of getting the shoulders out in front of the bar as opposed to just sitting back like I tend to do.  First time ever doing this movement.  AMRAPs were simply too advanced for me.  Not strong enough to do two pressing movements together like that.  Can definitely feel my kip improving.  Need to incorporate some strict HSPUs.  Losing 10 pounds would help, too.  I weighed 204 today!  

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Row 3 x 6 minutes (actively recover 3 minutes between intervals) (HR <165)

1.  1,447 meters; 2.04.3 (23) (158)

2.  1,450 meters; 2.04.1 (23) (163)

3.  1,458 meters; 2.03.4 (23) (165)

Notes:  Compare with August 26th.  Just what the doctor ordered:  some pretty intense aerobic work, but nothing that should bleed over into tomorrow's training.  Quality 5-minute warm-up in Z1.  Used slightly lower damper setting of 5.5.  I generally dislike staying on the rower between intervals, but I thought it would be good for today's training.  Felt like I was working pretty hard to maintain the sub-2.05 pace, but it didn't hurt.  HR would drop to ~125 by the end of the active recovery period.  Things are really moving in the right direction right now.        

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

W-L Track (am)

Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets):
Run 400 meters
10 burpees
If you fail to make the time cap on a certain set, finish the work, and rest the remainder of the round into which you bled.

8th & I (pm)

Clean & jerk (20 minutes to build to a heavy single)


Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 2 x 5 @ 75%

185; 215; 230

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%

170; 185; 200

2 rounds of:

20 GHD sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
20 overhead lunges/leg (20# ball)
Rest 1 minute
Notes:  C.J. Martin is a genius.  This was my first running session of the season and I truly enjoyed it.  It was a beautiful Fall morning in Arlington.  Started the first set with a pull-over, sweat pants, and hat on.  All that remained were my shorts and sunglasses by the time I finished.  This workout was very difficult, but I'm proud to have completed it.  Quite a few folks on the Invictus site were unable to complete sets within the time cap toward to the end.  Started off running the 400s in ~1.30-1.40, but that quickly slowed to ~2.00-2.05.  My burpees were very strong today.  Utilized my "hot coals" burpees where everything is one-touch off the ground.  Finished the first set in 2.10, but I was finishing in ~2.30 for most of the sets.  I was able to recover a bit on the 400s; however, my running isn't strong enough at this point to really serve as recovery.  This was a lot of total volume in under 30 minutes:  2.5 miles of running and 100 burpees.  Very curious to see how much this negatively impacts my clean & jerk and squatting this afternoon.      
Worked up to 215 on the clean & jerk, which ties a PR for me.  It wasn't very clean, though.  Feet went a little wide on the catch, and then a few of my finger slipped off the bar on the way up.  Difficult transition into the jerk.  I'm pretty happy considering this was my 5th workout in 3 days.  Squatting went well.  Looking for a new front squat 1 RM next weekend.  Threw in the GHD sit-up/lunges workout at the end because I had a few extra minutes.  Definitely a low-intensity aerobic-type piece on the rowing machine tomorrow.  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

8th & I

3 rounds, for time, of:

15 thrusters (100)
12 burpees
9 pull-ups


Notes:  So frustrating!  The camera and timer stopped working 25 seconds into the workout!  As a result, I have no actual data on this workout.  I completed this same workout in 8.44 last November (thrusters were done at 95#).  I'm pretty sure I got under that this time around; however, I can't be sure.  Thrusters felt strong today, both legs and pressing.  I went  unbroken on the first round and then broke 5/5/5 and 5/4/3/3.  It was more of a global conditioning issue than a muscle failure issue.  Burpees were brutal on the heels of the thrusters.  I never stopped moving, but I was moving awfully slow.  Pull-ups were unbroken and not bad at all.  I did a good job of transitioning between movements.  This one took me deep into the pain cave.  Spent a good minute on the ground post-workout before regrouping and doing a 5-minute cool-down of incline walking on the treadmill.  Next time around, I'll force myself to go 8/7 and 5/5/5 on the thrusters to eliminate two rest periods.            

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Row 45 minutes (aerobic restoration) (am)

9,448 meters; 2.22.8 (20) (153)

8th & I (pm)

Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 2 x 5 @ 70%

185; 200; 215

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%; 1 x 5 @ 80%

160; 185; 200; 210

12 minutes (alternating OTM):

6 strict pull-ups
18 box jumps (24)
12 push-ups

Notes:  This was the best I've ever felt, by far, on a rowing workout.  My mind was in a great place, my body felt incredible, and the rowing came easy.  Felt as though I could've rowed for another 45 minutes.  Pace was significantly faster than past aerobic restoration pieces.  Heart rate did cross over the 150 cap; however, I wasn't concerned since I was feeling so good otherwise.  Only real difference between this row and my others was that it was done early in the morning and in a fasted state.  This was exciting to see because I'm planning to do rowing and Airdyne workouts in the morning before work once I move to the Cape.

Did 5 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill as a warm-up and cool-down.  I particularly liked this as a cool-down.  My achilles' were burning up bad.  Legs felt strong on squats today.  I wasn't sure how things would go after rowing in the morning, but they went well.  Had hope to make it at least 15 minute on the OTM-segment; however, my strict pull-ups started breaking down.  I actually had to break the 4th set 4/1/1.  Push-ups were also a struggle on the 4th set.  Got in-and-out of gym in 90 total minutes again, which is my new goal.  This goes by very quickly, but I think it's important to contain the sessions, particularly if I'm doing am/pm.  Overall, a high-quality training day.  Rewarding myself with a root beer float tonight.         

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Get the knees back!  Pull the lats back!  "Cover" the bar with your shoulders!
8th & I

Snatch 8 x 1 + 1 (rest 10 seconds between reps) (rest 2 minutes between sets)

115, 125, 135, 145(f), 145, 150, 155(f), 155(f)

5 rounds of:

1 halting snatch deadlift + 1 snatch pull (155)
Rest 90 seconds
10 T2B
Rest 90 seconds

Tabata double-unders

Score:  30

Notes:  Emphasis today was on positioning.  The photo at the top of the page is me holding my halting deadlift.  Unfortunately, my position is a bit off and it is causing me to miss some lifts.  The shins need to be vertical in this position.  My knees are too far forward and it's preventing me from fully accessing my hamstrings.  My shoulders are also getting yanked forward.  They need to be pinned back and down.  Also, my torso is too vertical.  The shoulders should be visibly in front of the bar with more of horizontal torso.  Here's a photo of what it should look like.  Most of my flaws can be attributed to lack of mobility.  I need to keep practicing this because it is holding back my Olympic lifts.  T2B were unbroken today and very clean.  Had originally planned to do 15 x 35 double-unders (OTM); however, I only had about 6 minutes left before I reached my 90-minute training session cut-off time.  Thus, I opted for tabata-style.  Used my old rope, which felt like I was swinging a battleship.          

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Row 5 x 1K (rest 3 minutes between intervals)

1.  3.49.3 (25) (170)
2.  3.49.2 (25) (174)
3.  3.49.9 (25) (176)
4.  3.48.5 (25) (180)
5.  3.48.3 (25) (180)

Notes:  Met goal of holding pace sub-1.55 throughout (1.54.5 average).  Did this same workout back in December and actually held an average pace of 1.51.9.  It's hard to believe that I was able to do that back then.  I'm stronger now and am scoring better on some WODs; however, I'm still struggling with the neurological adaptation on the rowing machine.  I feel like I'm cranking on the chain and drive against the machine with all of my power, yet the monitor simply isn't reflecting this effort.  I think it's just a matter of adjusting to rowing harder pieces.  In fact, my body came to life a bit on the 4th and 5th intervals tonight and it felt a bit more like it used to feel.  Limited myself to a 5-minute warm-up and a 5-minute cool-down in Z1.  Trying to tighten up the length on my training sessions.  Oddly, I felt amazing during my cool-down.  It felt as though I could've kept rowing for hours.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

8th & I

3 rounds, not for time, of:

12 C2B
4 pistols/leg
15 GHD sit-ups

Clean & jerk 5 x 3 (must complete all three reps in less than 30 seconds) (rest exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds between sets)

155, 165, 175, 175, 175

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

15 WB shots
20 KB swings (24)

2 rounds + 9 KB swings

Notes:  Met goal of completing entire session, door-to-door, in under 90 minutes (15-minute warm-up/75 minutes for the actual workout).  Need to be more diligent about working mobility at other times so I don't have to worry about it as much before training sessions.  Had neither great rhythm on the C2Bs nor much "pop" on the GHD sit-ups.  Right ankle, as usual, was stiff as a board on pistols.  Loved the Invictus-inspired barbell segment.  Need to get back into doing more of their barbell stuff as I was really making progress with it.  The twist today was that each clean & jerk triple had to be completed within 30 seconds.  I utilized a power clean/push jerk and dropped each rep from the top.  May try tough-and-go next time around to see if that's more efficient.  These were actually my best ever push jerks, even though the weight isn't that impressive.  I'm slowly learning to drive myself under the bar with an aggressive re-dip of the knees.  Key for me is drive the barbell back through my chin rather than allowing it to get out in front of me.  The AMRAP turned out to be a lower-back special.  The old squat/KB swing combination got me again.  My kip is improving dramatically on HSPUs, which is good.  Unfortunately, I had to really slow down on this one due to tightness in the lower back.      

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

8th & I

Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 3 @ 70%; 1 x 2 @ 80%; 1 x 2 @ 90%; 1 x 1 @ 95%; 1 x 1 @ 103%; (1 x 1 @ 106%)

185; 215; 245; 275; 295; 315; (325(f))

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 2 x 5 @ 75%

160; 185; 200

For time:  

Deadlift (255) 10-8-6-4-2
Double-unders 50-40-30-20-10

4.42 (video)

Notes:  Well, I went for it, but it simply wasn't there.  I included a "bonus" rep today in the program in an effort to set establish a new 1 RM.  I felt solid at 315; however, 325 was simply too heavy for my structure to handle at this point.  I have no excuses or anything -- it's just really difficult for me to squat down deep into the hole with 325 on my back and stand up with it.  I'm happy that this program has helped me reach my lifetime goal of 315 and will now shift my focus toward establishing a new 1 RM front squat in a few weeks.  I feel as though two things need to happen in order for my squat to improve.  First, I obviously need to continue squatting frequently.  Second, I need to improve my overall strength levels.  I believe that my structure will be able to handle more weight as my numbers in other areas continue to rise.  Things such as weighted pull-ups, heavy overhead work, clean and snatch pulls, GHD sit-ups, farmers' carries, etc.  These general strength movements will help me develop an better overall structure that will be capable of squatting with more weight on my back.  Metcon was solid.  I went 6 seconds faster last January, but hadn't squatted heavy beforehand.  Also, I'm getting fed up with my jump rope and am thinking about going back to my old one.  This newer wire rope is super-fast, but it always gets tangled and costs me seconds trying to straighten it out.  My old one is slightly slower, but it's much more reliable.              

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

8th & I

Snatch (heavy single)


Clean & jerk (heavy single)


20 minutes (alternating OTM):

8 T2B
8 dumbbell push presses (50)

Notes:  Special guest visit from Ben Brown, my old workout partner, and it was fascinating to watch his approach to training.  There's no "listen to your body" or fancy aerobic heart rate workouts with him.  He still has this crazy fire/anger that fuels his workouts.  He simply refused to stop until he hit certain weights.  I hit a really clean snatch at 165, maybe the best pure snatch of my life.  I then failed three times at 175 and decided it was time to move on.  Ben, on the other hand, failed a bunch of reps along the way but kept on going until he hit a snatch at 195!  It was actually a power snatch as he caught it above parallel (but still maintained proper foot work).  He was slamming the bar all over the place in disgust after missed reps.  I loved seeing his fire.  I felt great on the clean & jerk today, which I usually don't train together.  I tied my PR at 215 and it was pretty clean.  However, I decided to call it a day since that was a lot of volume for me between the snatch and the clean & jerk.  Ben must've taken almost 10 more reps than me and worked all the way up to 260!  He was failing squat cleans, so all of a sudden switched to a power clean and made it look easy -- I couldn't believe it.  He has made such progress since we last trained together.  I suppose I have, too, but not as much as him in terms of pure numbers.  I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to move that much weight.  In any event, it was a great reference point to see where he's at and where I need to be to remain competitive.  I've been banging away in the more moderate ranges; perhaps I could use a bit more heavy loading in my programming.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

8th & I

18 minutes (rotating OTM):

3 power snatches (135)
12 push-ups
36 double-unders

Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%

185; 200; 215; 230

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 2 x 5 @ 70%

160; 170; 185

Notes:  Textbook OTM-style session.  A pull, a push, and a jump.  Utilized a touch-and-go on the power snatches.  Getting better at "torque farming," as Kelly Starrett calls it, when stringing reps together.  This is where you try to get a rubber-band-like tension in the hamstrings on each rep as you touch-and-go.  Pretty happy with my ability to bang at 135.  Game plan was to go anywhere from 15-21 minutes on this one depending on how the push-ups went.  I went right to the brink of failure on the sixth round tonight, so called it quits at that point.  Heart rate stayed right in the money zone throughout the session.  Definitely breathing heavy, but never out of control and I always felt good moving from movement to movement.  Worked quickly through the squatting today.  Will be going for a new squat 1 RM on Sunday.  Will be going for a new front squat 1 RM in two weeks.  I don't want to put too much pressure on myself to reach specific numbers, but I'm hoping in the back of my mind for 335/285.    

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Row 5K

19.53.3; 1.59.3 (23) (184)

Notes:  Yikes!  This was a bit of a suck-fest.  Heart rate hit 170 only about 1,250 meters and hit 180 just past the 2K mark.  Sat in the 180-184 range for entire second half of the piece, which is quite a long time to be banging away at such a high intensity level.  Quads were really hot -- probably still filled with some lactic acid from yesterday's tempo "Grace."  Actually maintained negative splits on each 1K.  It wasn't a goal or anything, but I found it interesting.  Quality 10-minute warm-up in Z1, but it simply wasn't enough to make up for my lack of rowing last week.  I almost feel like I need to be rowing (or on the Airdyne) just about every single day in order to maintain my aerobic form.  I was in great form just a few weeks ago, but have regressed slightly.  Just need to stay consistent.   

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

8th & I

4:30-minute tempo "Grace" (1 clean & jerk every 9 seconds)

Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%

185; 200; 215; 230

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 65%; 2 x 5 @ 70%

160; 170; 185

4 rounds of:

15 wall ball shots
10 pull-ups
5 burpee-box jumps (24)
Rest 1:1

Notes:  One rep every 9 seconds doesn't sound like much, but things get hectic quickly.  There's no time to even think -- you react as soon as the timer goes off and quickly try to recover for the next rep.  It's easy to lose track of reps, but my interval timer app takes care of that for me.  I felt crazy-explosive on about the first 12-14 reps.  Then, I started grinding for a bit.  And, at the end, it was just a lactic acid fest in my quads.  The power clean is fine, but the push jerk is just gnarly with the quads on fire.  I'm not aware of anyone else in the world that is doing this type of training, but I can't recommend any more highly.  Felt good squatting today.  Getting excited about moving some big weights in the next few weeks.  Nice conditioning piece, too.  Finished in 1.26, 1.20, 1.19, and 1.14.  Rested the exact time it took me to finish each round.  Goal was to maintain negative splits and I accomplished that.  Went without chalk on the final round of pull-ups to get it done.  Burpee-box jumps are just brutal.            

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Row 45 minutes (aerobic restoration)

9,398 meters; 2.23.6 (20) (146)

Notes:  This workout served a few purposes for me.  First, it was an "aerobic reset" after not having rowed since last Monday.  I wanted to get the correct systems firing as I move into somewhat more intense workouts this week.  Second, it was a bit a detox after eating a bunch of crap in the last 48 hours (cookie, brownies, pancakes, another cookie, milkshake, etc.).  Third, it set the tone for a week that will hopefully culminate with a new 1 RM on squat.  The row itself got off to a bit of a rocky start.  My heart rate quickly went to 135+ and I was nervous that I was in for a long night.  Fortunately, I settled in a bit and actually rowed a negative split.  No blood sugar issues either.  Going after a 4-minute tempo "Grace" tomorrow (1 clean & jerk every 8 seconds for 4 minutes).        

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

8th & I

3 rounds, not for time, of:

40 double-unders
3 muscle-ups
10 T2B

6 x 2-position clean (2 inches above knee; 2 inches below the knee; one-second pause) (rest 2 minutes)

155, 165, 175, 175, 175, 175

5 rounds of:

6 strict chin-ups
Rest 90 seconds
12 GHD sit-ups
Rest 90 seconds

Notes:  Felt decent today after yesterday's intense effort.  Didn't have my "A" muscle-ups today.  Wasn't getting the "pop" that I discussed on Tuesday.  Combining T2B with them certainly didn't help any, but this is a good way to train sometimes.  I usually do my hang work from the mid-thigh; however, I tried some lower positions today and they were quite difficult, particularly with the one-second pause.  Need to do a better job of hinging at the waist and getting my shoulders out over the bar.  I have a tendency to just sit back with an upright torso.  Getting the shoulders out over the bar more will help to better recruit the posterior chain.  The video makes my reps looks easy, but I promise that the low-hang clean was very difficult.  Had a Marine help me drag the GHD out of the storage room.  The pads are a little beat up, but I actually found it to be good for sit-ups today.  I plan to start incorporating more of these to help strengthen my core.  Like with muscle-ups, there as magical "pop" that happens if you time the GHD sit-up correctly.  The most important thing is to fire the quads.  Most people make the mistake of only doing a conventional sit-up.  However, the firing of the quad only gets you about 70% of the way there.  If you also get aggressive hip flexion and "look for your toes," then you get massive catapulting action.  You can tell if someone's doing it correctly because the speed is night-and-day.  Also, the GHD makes a certain spring-like noise if you do it correctly -- it's pretty cool.          

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

8th & I

For time (10 minute cap):

15 snatches (105)
18 burpees
12 snatches (125)
18 burpees
9 snatches (145)

Score:  6 snatches at 145 (video)

Notes:  This went about as well as I could've hoped.  I showed significant improvement over last year (1 snatch at 145 in November 2012).  Yet, I can still see some ways to improve.  Snatches were great at 105, but I took a 25-second rest between reps 10 and 11.  Looking back, I definitely could've powered through all 15 reps and then used to burpees to get air.  Snatches were great at 125, too.  However, yet again, I took two 25-second rests.  I think I could go 6 and 6 next time and skip one of the rests entirely.  Snatches at 145 were just plain heavy.  I started having to catch with a wider stance and pressing the bar out of a bit, which I really don't like to get in the habit of doing.  I've improved a ton here, but still don't quite have the power reserves to bang away in the "championship" rounds.  More snatch-specific pulling work will help with this (snatch-grip deadlift, snatch pulls, snatch high-pulls, etc.).  My shoulders are rounding forward a bit, which makes it tougher to get full shoulder extension.  I was very happy with my transition speed (moving right into burpees and then putting the plates on).  My "global" conditioning held up pretty well throughout the entire 10 minutes.  I give this another go in a couple of months.  With a little more aggressiveness in the early stages and just slightly improved strength and conditioning levels, I should be able to finish this one next time well within the time cap.           

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

8th & I

15 minutes (rotating OTM):  

4 power cleans (165)
8 dips
16 box jumps (24)

Squat 1 x 5 @ 65%; 3 x 5 @ 75%

200; 230

Front squat 4 x 5 @ 65%


Notes:  Power cleans stayed crisp throughout.  Never had to catch with a wide stance or alter pulling mechanics.  Dips were awesome through three rounds, got tough and the fourth, and then went just shy of failure on the fifth round.  These really should be ring dips, but my strength level isn't quite there on the bodyweight pressing movements.  Box jumps were clean today.  16 reps really keeps the heart rate elevated, but that's what I look for in a perfect OTM-style session.  I want all reps to be clean and I want my heart rate to be elevated throughout.  I don't have a specific heart rate number -- it's more of a "feel" thing.  You don't want to be gasping for air, but you want to be "in the zone."  One last note:  I want to try some "bounding" on the 30-inch box.  Ben Brown tells me that he's tried it lately and it has made his 24-inch box jumps feel easy.

Tomorrow will be my first formal "test," so to speak, of the season.  I'll be testing my benchmark snatch/burpee workout.  My hope is to video it so I can watch it and really see where I'm excelling/breaking down.       

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

8th & I

5 rounds, not for time, of:

2 muscle-ups
4 Turkish get-ups (55)

5 rounds of:

5 push press (155)
10 C2B
20 double-unders
Rest 2 minutes

Notes:  Okay, we've got a little homework assignment tonight.  Watch the muscle-up video and see if you can spot the muscle-up where I "rolled" over and the muscle-up where I "snapped" over.  If you guessed the first muscle-up as the rolling one and the second muscle-up as the snapping one, then you're correct.  Something magical happens when all of the pieces of the muscle-up come together:  the tight kip, aggressive pull, and vicious sit-up.  If you miss the timing, then it turns into a rolling muscle-up.  If it all clicks, then you get this massive wave of power then propels you over the rings easily and takes you right into your dip.  I've felt on bar muscle-ups before, but today was the first time it ever happened on the rings.  TGUs are a good exercise to incorporate into the beginning of your workout because they help with mobility as well as activating your entire body.  Had originally planned to work heavier push presses along with some C2Bs as more of a strength segment.  However, opted at the last minute to keep the weight moderate and add in some double-unders to make it more of a conditioning piece.  I've been neglecting my C2Bs lately -- they are a major part of the Open and need to be trained more often.