Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Row 5K (am)

19.55.1; 1.59.5 (23) (182)

The Amelia Gym (pm)

? minutes (alternating OTM):  10 KB swings & 10 goblet squats

Notes:  Goal for the 5K was to maintain an RPE of 8 and just try to be aware of what I was feeling.  For me, an RPE of 8 is a very intense row, but you don't empty the tank or sprint to the finish.  You simply maintain an intense pace throughout.  I'm still struggling a bit with the neurological adaptation and it feels like I'm having to work harder to maintain my paces.  That being said, my heart rate is staying fairly moderate.  It touched 170 around the 2K mark and then continued a slow climb up to 182 at the finish.  My conditioning felt very strong; however, my rowing-specific leg endurance is lagging behind.  Actually rowed the final 1K the fastest.

Used my 70-pound bell for the OTM-style work tonight.  I had hoped to go for 20 minutes, but my lower back could only handle 14.  I had envisioned that KB swings would tax the posterior chain and that goblet squats would tax the anterior chain; however, as it turned out, goblet squats were absolutely brutal on the lower back.  They shouldn't be -- in theory, if you keep your core engage and maintain a perfectly upright torso, then you'd be fine.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  I started getting pulled out of position and this combination punished me.  Some good barbell work and squatting tomorrow before heading to Cape Cod on Thursday morning.       

1 comment:

  1. Goblet squats will most definitely recruite posterior chain and low back regardless of how upright your torso is. The pelvis needs to be stabilized which is controlled by the surrounding musculature.

