Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Row 8 x 500 meters (rest 2 minutes between intervals) (am)

1.  1.47.9 (28) (162)
2.  1.50.2 (27) (164)
3.  1.48.4 (28) (167)
4.  1.49.0 (28) (168)
5.  1.48.6 (28) (169)
6.  1.48.5 (28) (170)
7.  1.48.3 (28) (170)
8.  1.47.7 (28) (169)

Garage (pm)

Power snatch 15 x 3 @ 70% (OTM)


Complete the following reps unbroken and clean weight from the ground:

12 front squats (165)
Rest 1 minute
9 front squats
Rest 1 minute
6 front squats

Notes:  Big-time power intervals in the morning.  Quality warm-up including a few 30-second sprints to awaken the system.  Goal was to maintain an average pace below 1.49.7, which was the average pace on my last 2K time trial.  I did so easily by averaging 1.48.5 this morning.  More good heart rate data with the trend continuing of my heart rate leveling off at a comfortable number.

Nice to be back banging away with the barbell.  All of the aerobic power in the world won't do shit in CrossFit if you can't move the weights.  Reps were much cleaner when I would use proper footwork (aggressively pulling under the bar and moving the feet into the catching position).  Interesting little front squat work turned out to be brutal.  Struggled a bit to maintain the rack position on such high reps.  Bar was really in the finger-tips.  I'll be getting back into squatting after Thanksgiving.  Knees are enjoying a breather right now!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't heard mention of the blood sugar problems in a while...nice...
