Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Airdyne 30 x 30 seconds (85%)/30 seconds (50%) (am)

Fitness 500 (pm)

3 rounds, not for time, of:

10 dips
8 KB snatches/arm (53)
15 GHD sit-ups

6 x 1 high-hang clean + 1 power clean + 1 jerk

155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 195

3 rounds of:

8 strict pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds
16 deficit hand-release push-ups (hands on 5# plates)
Rest 90 seconds

Notes:  Total burner in the morning.  My legs are just getting chewed up.  Took it up to 73-75 RPMs on the pick-ups and spun it out at 43-44 RPMs, which was slightly lower than last week.  You can try like hell, but 30 seconds simply isn't enough time to recover the legs before the next interval.  Heart rate touched 175 toward the end of the workout.

Low energy tonight at the gym.  Finding it difficult to train hard on weekday evenings after training in the morning and working.  Power cleans got a bit heavy at 195.  The high-hang clean zaps your legs a bit for the power clean.  My upper body strength is terrible and I don't even want to write about it.


  1. might have gone a bit too hard on the AD in the morning. 85% is only about 160-165bpm. You were up close to 92-93%. 30mins of that kind of intensity is a very hard workout. We used to do hard 30/30' you did today...but we did 15-20mins of 30/30's and considered it a high quality day.

    Not surprised you didn't have much in the evening.

  2. By the are doing some serious training...
