Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Row 5K (Z1) (am)

23.10.7; 2.19.0 (22) (151)

Fitness 500 (pm)

Press (build to a heavy single in 10 minutes)


Push press (build to a heavy single in 10 minutes)

195 (1 failed attempt at 205)

Squat 1 x 6 @ 65%; 1 x 4 @ 75%; 1 x 2 @ 85%; 1 x AMRAP @ 80% (set terminates if you deviate from "1011" tempo)

205; 235; 270; 6 reps @ 250

For time:

15 thrusters (100)
12 T2B
10 thrusters 
9 T2B
5 thrusters
6 T2B


Notes:  A bit of a different format for my rowing now that we are "in season."  From here on out, rowing will be steady-state work set at varying distances.  In all cases, however, the heart rate must stay below 150.  This is to ensure that these rowing workouts do not detract from standard CrossFit training, which is now the focal point with the Open less than two months away.  Came out a bit hot on this morning's row.  Had to slow splits from ~2.17 to ~2.21 to stay below cap (and actually crossed briefly with around 2K remaining).  Spent a lot of time in the high-140s.  Used low damper setting of 110 to keep things "easy."

Press at 135 was solid -- had more in the tank.  Push press at 195 was solid, too.  However, 205 felt very heavy and I bailed fairly early.  First time using my Rehband sleeves on squats.  I didn't notice any help in terms of a rebound at the bottom, but note that my knees felt very stable.  Double at 270 was solid.  I stayed on cadence through 6 reps on the AMRAP.  This was an interesting rule.  I liked it, though, because AMRAP squat sets often turn into marathons where you're just waiting with the bar on your back.  Metcon was a bit of a wake-up call and a reminder that the season is here.  Stormed through the thrusters with an emphasis on breathing.  Went to the well on the round of 9 T2B, which forced me to resort to "swinging singles" on the round of 6.  Transitions were a bit slow, but I was cautious having not done a hard workout since being sick.  Came away from this one feeling quite good.  

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