Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

Airdyne 45 minutes (aerobic restoration)

Notes:  Odd heart rate data this morning.  Shot up to ~140 within the first 10 minutes, but then leveled off until touching 149 toward the very end.  When my aerobic system is sharp, I generally will stay sub-130 for the first 15 minutes, sub-140 for the middle 15 minutes, and then sub-150 for the final 15 minutes.  Only fix for this is simply putting in the time.  It takes patience and consistency. But, it's so worth it.  I yearn to get back to that feeling of being aerobically powerful.  With the amount of training volume coming, it'll be important to ensure that the aerobic system governs all of the training.  

1 comment:

  1. Ben,

    High heart rate is just due to illness. Takes a little time to get back to normal.

