Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

8th & I

4:30-minute tempo "Grace" (1 clean & jerk every 9 seconds)

Muscle-ups 6 x 2 (every 90 seconds)

Notes:  Final training session ever at 8th & I.  What a home it's been for the last year or so.  It was free, open 24/7, and met most of my equipment needs.  I'll always be greatful to the Marines for allowing me to use their facility.  Tempo "Grace" started burning early.  Last time I did this workout, I noted that I felt powerful through the first 12-14 reps.  That was not the case this time around.  I remember completing the 10th rep and wondering what I had gotten myself into.  My breathing is actually quite good.  It's the burn in the quads that is killer on this workout.  I've been working some heavier reps, but need to remember to incorporate more faster-paced moderately weighted reps.  Figured it was good to work muscle-ups today since I'm not sure where I'll be able to practice them on the Cape.  Yoga and aerobic restoration work on the rower tomorrow before taking a few days off to move.  Huge life changes forthcoming.

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