Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

225 over-head!  Finally!

8th & I

Jerk (20 minutes to build to a heavy single)


Squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 2 x 5 @ 75%

185; 215; 230

Front squat 1 x 5 @ 60%; 1 x 5 @ 70%; 1 x 5 @ 75%

160; 185; 200

6 rounds, OT2M, of:

6 push presses (115)
8 pull-ups
10 KB swings (70)

Notes:  Lifetime accomplishment with the 225 jerk.  Slightly soft with the left elbow, but I'm thrilled to have cleared the mental barrier of driving under 225.  Hoping this begins a wave of PRs to come in the next week as I plan to test my front squat, "Grace," and a 2K row.  Front squat felt good today and I think I'll be able to surpass my previous 1 RM of 265 on Sunday.  The metcon was very difficult toward the end, particularly on the grip.  Can you believe that Invictus programmed it as an OTM?  I scaled down to OT2M and I still barely finished the final round within the 2-minute window.  Push presses were solid, but grip became a major issue on the last 2 rounds of pull-ups and the last 4 rounds of swings.  Back on the rower tomorrow for either a 5K or a few reduced-RPE 2Ks -- we'll see how I'm feeling.          


  1. Best mode!! Nice Jerk. You actually got that easy or at least it looks that way. Nice job getting under the bar with good speed and a nice lock out. If that workout from invictus is really suppose to be OTM than that's insane. Who can actually do that!?? Come on. Good call going every 2 min. I probably would have scaled it to every 3 min. BTW, how much you weighing in at these days?

    1. Thanks! It's partially a confidence issue with locking out that much weight directly over your head, you know? It takes a really "junk-yard dog" mentality to drive yourself under the heavy weights. Yes, the Invictus workout was very difficult. I don't think anyone on the site was completing all 12 rounds OTM. Most people couldn't keep pace. I weigh 205 right now.

    2. I just read the comments people made on the workout from invictus and Im a bit perplexed on CJ Martin's intention. I'm sorry, but that is poor programming. I'm surprised nobody stepped up and said anything. If his intention was to improve the "CP Battery" typically accomplished with OTM type workouts than he failed that. Might as well of made that a 12 min amrap bc that's what it turned into. This kind of reminds me of the final Open WOD... brutal. BSP
