Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8th & I

Jerk (heavy single in 20 minutes)

215 (failed attempt @ 225)

16 minutes (alternating OTM):  3 strict pull-ups & 6 dips

3 rounds of:

10 burpees over the barbell
10 shoulder-to-overhead (115)
Rest 2 minutes

Notes:  This was a pleasant low-stress training session.  I guess any training day without heavy squatting is considered low-stress these days.  Still stuck at 215 for my split jerk.  As can be seen from the video, 225 is right there, but I'm losing confidence at the last second.  You need full commitment with a heavy jerk -- drive yourself under the bar and get your head all the way through.  I bailed at the very last second and was not confident enough in getting my head through.  The nice thing about heavy jerks is that they aren't terribly taxing on the system, so working up to a max for the day on a fairly regular basis isn't going to destroy you the way working up to max squat or deadlift would.  OTM-style work went well.  Invictus programmed alternating between 3 weighted pull-ups and 10 strict ring dips.  Can you believe that?  I scaled to 3 strict pull-ups and 6 dips on parallel bars and it was just about perfect.  I wanted to stay short of failure and was able to do so.  Metcon was good, too.  Invictus programmed 5 rounds for time of:  10 burpees over the barbell and 15 S2O (115).  Can you believe that?  That would've been beat-down city.  I opted to attack it interval-style and sprinted all 3 rounds.  I was amazed by how nimble I felt on the burpees and how good my wind was on each interval.  I wanted to do 5 total rounds, but I reached my absolute limit on triceps fatigue on the third round and decided to call it quits.  It would've defeated the purpose if I had to break the S2O.  Excited for a bit of "test" tomorrow on the rowing machine.             

1 comment:

  1. You could have completed that jerk if you didn't use up all your energy slapping that belt on!! Jeez lol.

    Nice work on the rest of the workout. Good call on modifying Invictus programming. .

