Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

30-minute "progression" row

1st 10 minutes:  2,160 meters; 2.18.8 (21) (135)

2nd 20 minutes:  2,228 meters; 2.14.6 (21) (148)

3rd 10 minutes:  2,314 meters; 2.09.6 (23) (160)

Notes:  Some good and some bad today.  The good part was that I saw some tangible improvement as compared to when I did this workout on July 16th.  I rowed at the same or faster clip today, yet my heart rate didn't go nearly as high.  Particularly during the first 10-minute segment.  My heart rate just wouldn't budge.  I definitely think I'm improving capacity at the lower ranges.  The bad part was that I really struggled again with low blood sugar during the final 10-minute segment.  Toward the end of these aerobic pieces I can feel this feeling of weakness start to come over me.  I can keep hammering away, but I start to feel ravenous.  All I can think about is eating/drinking some sugar as soon as I get off the machine.  When I get off, my hands are shaking and I bee-line it for the refrigerator.  Today, I was out of coconut water, so I chugged a huge thing of milk with some hot cocoa powder in it.  It was crazy!  Anyways, I'm not really sure what is causing this feeling because I haven't experienced it since starting CrossFit and have done workouts far "harder" than this one and not experienced anything close to the same feeling.        

1 comment:

  1. this may help you a bit... still checking into this for you..
