Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

8th & I (Marine Barracks)

6 x 1 power clean + 1 hang clean

135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195

Front squat 10 x 3 at 89% (rest 2 minutes between sets)


Notes:  Surprised myself a bit with how strong I felt on the barbell complex.  Power clean at 195 was very manageable and I felt strong driving out of the hole on the hang clean.  This used to be a ton of weight for me, but all of the squatting is beginning to pay dividends.  Front squats are certainly more difficult after first working cleans, but I got through today's sets okay.  Depth was good, but I'm "tucking under" a bit at the bottom.  Need to keep hammering away at the hip, ankle, and thoracic spine mobility.  Looking forward to going for a new personal record next week!     

1 comment:

  1. The Cleans are the best I've ever seen them. Excellent explosiveness on through your hips. Keep hitting each Oly lift 2-3x/week even if it's sub maximal.

    The Squat look strong too. You will hit a PR next week for sure. You are "tucking under" bc your hamstrings are tight. Hammer out some extra hamstring mobility next week before you squat. Try and do this the day before. Sometimes if you stretch too much directly before a heavy lift it can inhibit your strength.

